PaRt 16

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" someone tell me how to feel
someone tell me what is real
someone tell me how to feel
someone tell me, someone tell me "

Maggie Eckford - Tell Me How To Feel


"Hermione.. I am Samael. I am the white wolf you met in the forest."

I couldn't believe him. I just stared at him with wide open eyes, my hands entangled in my lap. Could it be true? There was always something faintly familiar about him, but I never knew what it was..

Could it be?

"Tell me something only Samael could know.." "You don't trust me on my word," Draco asks me. I can see my question hurt him, but I couldn't help it. I needed confirmation. "I do trust you, I just want to be certain. It can all be one big misunderstanding, you know?"

"You introduced yourself to me as Charlotte. I crashed into you with my wolf on our first meeting." It is true. I never told anyone about what I told him, most of the time I didn't even mention that I met someone knew. It was that Astoria began asking questions that I said I met someone and that I wanted to see where it went.

"You are.. you really are," I whisper, placing my hand on his cheek. My hand touched every small or big curve of his cheek. He smiled silently, his stormy grey eyes penetrating my brown ones. Everything around is seemed to fade, there was only us two.

I lean in and kiss him softly. He eagerly kisses back, full with enthusiasm. I smile and when our kiss broke off we rested our foreheads against each other. "I want you Hermione," he whispers. Tingling sparkles went down my spine by his husky tone.

"Then have me and don't let go," I whisper. He smirks. "I plan on never letting you go.. never." "Sounds like a plan," I giggle. Our lips lock again.


Draco went out with Hermione a while ago and the party was kind of ending. Most guests already left, but we were waiting for them to come back. Blaise was impatiently tapping with his foot on the marble tiles.

"How long is that man getting laid with the Golden Girl? Jeez, they have a lot of stamina!" Pansy, Blaise's girlfriend, gasped and smacked him against the back of his head. Blaise groaned and grabbed for his head, muttering something about bossy witches and the freedom of speech.

"What about looking for them," I offer, kind of wanting to know if they are getting intimate like I planned them to do. "And walking into them doing stuff my poor innocent eyes can't handle, no thank you Greengrass 2.0," Blaise growls. I roll my eyes, grabbing my pearl coloured handbag with silver chain.

"Well, I'm going to look for them. Daph, Pans, Theo, looking with me?" "I'll go with you, just so you won't get lost," Theo answers and he stands up, still a little unhappy with having to wait so damn long. He was bored with getting asked to dance by all those Weasley family members. Theo told us that he couldn't remember who he danced with anymore as they all had red hair.

Theo and I both walk out of the hall, assuming that the two lovebirds would be outside. My heels softly click on the stones, but not too loud to alarm anyone. Suddenly Theo stop me by grabbing my wrist. "Look between those two trees over there, in the gazebo."

I turn my gaze the direction Theo points at and gasp, placing my hand before my mouth. I gasp but then giggle a little. Theo does the same and whispers to me again. "We should leave the two. If they want to catch a cold by staying here it's their choice." "It's not like they will catch a cold, I guess the only problem would be overheating," I giggle.

Both Theo and I turn our backs to the couple in the gazebo, entering the hall again. When we go back to our friends we see the bridespair. "Hello Ginny, Harry, how can we help," I ask. The pair seems stunned by us suddenly turning up behind them. Ginny quickly explains.

"We can't find Hermione anywhere and it's pretty late.." "Believe me Ginny, you wouldn't want to worry about Hermione now. She is perfectly fine," I reply, giving her a sly wink. She catched the double meaning and nodded, taking the arm of the still-confused Harry and dragging him with her.

We all went home to our own houses, not bothering to inform Draco or Hermione of us leaving as they will probably notice it when they are done, or not of course..


So, how did you like Astoria's Point Of View? I found it around damn time that girl got a spotlight on her! It is really exhausting, you know, to make evil and cunning plans to pair up your friends?


xxx ElinevdBogaard

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