PaRt 12

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" we know all of each other's moves
in this twisted dance we do
but we stubbornly refuse

to admit what this might be

cause i've been down this road beforedon't trust my instincts anymoreand it's easier to ignorethe fact that you unravel me "

Beth Crowley - Please Take Me


It has been three months since I've first met Samael. In the meanwhile we had seen each other around every two days and it seemed like we could become best friends. But.. what was that strange feeling I had whenever I saw him? That fluttering of my heart, the desire to touch him and giggle at all his jokes.

"Hey Granger, where are you with your thoughts?" I look up from the file I was thoughtlessly staring at to see Astoria waving with her hands before my face. "Hmm?" "I was asking you something 5 minutes ago, where have your thoughts gone?"

"Sorry Astoria, I was just.. thinking." "About what? Oh my gosh, have you met some handsome bloke you're going to run away with now to escape all troubles here!?" "Astoria, this isn't some fairytale! I doubt that ever really happens in the true world.."

"Oh please, just let me believe in such a love, Hermione," she says dreamily. Suddenly she snaps out of it and shrugs. "Well, I guess it is in the air or something.." "What do you mean," I ask her, frowning my eyebrows in confusion.

She shrugs once again. "Blaise was complaining about Draco being off as well. Apparently also so dreamy like you." "Hmm hmm.." "HERMIONE, YOU'RE ZONING OUT AGAIN!" "Sorry Astoria, I'm just a little bit distracted."

"With what? Was I right about some handsome bloke maybe?" "I don't know what he looks like.. but I guess it's a bloke, yes." "Oehh.. enlighten me please." "He is very.. nice and kind and smart but.. he seems so broken Astoria."

"Well, I think Hermione's Superglue Of Heart will be the perfect material to glue him healed again!" "Astoria, that's not funny." "Come on, it is!" She giggles, throwing her brown wavy hair over her shoulder. Whatever she did, she would always catch the eyes of many people, especially wizards.

"Talk with him, maybe you can help him?" "I guess I can try." "You always can, Hermione. However, that's not what I asked you. I asked you how it was going with Ginny's wedding preparations."

"Oh, it's well." "Uh oh.. what's going on?" I sigh deeply. "Lavender is working on my nerves as she has to disagree with everything I say and I think Mrs Weasley will soon get a heart attack from all the things we have to plan and fix.." "If there's any way I can help, just tell me, alright Hermione?"

"Thank you Astoria, you are a great friend. If you want I can ask if you can come to the wedding? It seems like Ginny likes you already, so it won't be that much of a problem," I ask her. Astoria's eyes begin to gleam and I take this as a sign to take a step back. This is the 'Astoria-is-enthusiatic-about-something' alarm.

"Oh my gosh, I would totally like that! Seriously, you need very cute bridesmaids, even some bridegrooms, maybe some flowergirls as well. I can fix a perfect tailor for Potter's suit and that of his first man and-" "Okay Astoria, calm down before I have to worry about two heart attacks!"

She giggles a little ashamed and looks at her watch. "I think it's time to leave once again. Later you'll tell me everything else you know about that.. Samael, you said? Well, I have to leave! You know, dragon pox epidemic lately.." She peck my cheek before walking off, her hips swaying seductively. A few people in the hallway turn their heads to look at the beauty leaving.

I giggle before walking off to focus on my other patients again. That evening I came home only to be bombarded with questions from Mrs Weasley if I planned certain things already and if everything was good. I promised her I would tell her if something went wrong and assured her I would fix everything for her daughter's wedding.

With a sigh I fall down on the couch. Crookshanks walks over the couch and rests on my lap. I rub him between his ears and smile. "I never want to marry Crookshanks.. it's such a horrible thing to plan.."

Crookshanks meows and stretches out on my lap. I giggle. "You lazy thing. Let's go to bed, shall we?" The cat jumps off of my lap and parades inside my bedroom, resting on a white contraption for cats while I shrug my clothes off and change them into something comfortable.

"Goodnight Crookshanks. Can you warn me when you see such horrible things as weddings coming up for me please?" Crookshanks meows a few times. I am not sure what he meant with that, so I shrugged and go to sleep.

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