PaRt 6

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" i wana cry and i wanna love,
but all my tears have been used on

on another love, another love,
all my tears have been used on
on another love, another love,
all my tears have been used on,
on another love, another love,
all my tears have been used on

ooohhhh "

Tom Odell - Another Love



Brown fur flashes before me through the green leaves of the trees in the forest. There was a loud howl, coming from me. I run after the brown fur, not wanting to lose it again. "Don't go, don't leave me," I yell after her. She only quickens her pace and jumps over obstacles with the elegance of a doe. 

"DON'T GO," I yell. The fox lets out a loud, feminine scream. No.. not again. Not again those screams. "DRACOOOO, NOO, WHY DON'T YOU SAVE ME," the all so familiar voice yells. "I'M SO SORRY, I'M SORRY I COULDN'T SAVE YOU!"

I jump with my wolf onto the open place. There the fox lays, bleeding to death against the rock I tackled her to the last time I met her. "You never saved me," the fox whispers to me with her voice. Her big brown doe eyes close and she puffs out her last breath.

I let out a bloodcurling scream of agony and misery. 

Well, until I jumped up under the covers of my bed in my bedroom, sweating and panting. I see my mother sitting on the side of my bed in her silk black nightrobe, holding up a candle in a copper holder. 

"Draco..?" "Yes mother," I ask, gasping for some air. "Another one of those dreams?" "Yes." "Poor boy," she whispers, kissing my sweaty platinum blonde hair. She sighs deeply, holding my cheek and staring into my eyes.

"The ones who won might not have the biggest scars of all," she mutters. "It's the one who lost with the biggest scars mother, it's always been," I sigh. Mom smiles sadly at me. "You're right my boy. Now, I'll let the Mimy bring you some tea with hot milk to sleep, how does that sound?"

"Thank you mother, for everything." "No problem, my darling. Now, lay on your back and I'll get Mimy." Mother stands up from the bed and leaves the bedroom. The moonlight shines through the windows.

I lay back on my back again and pull the covers high up over my chest. I watch the moon shining over all our property. "I should've helped her. I'm just too much of a coward to really do something."

Helplessly I slap the mattress beneath me. Someone knocks softly on my door and I look up to the sudden light of the opened door. There stands the small figure of Mimy, our last remaining House Elf. 

"Goodnight Master Malfoy, mistress Malfoy told me that you needed some tea with milk?" "Thank you Mimy." "No problem Master Malfoy." She tiptoes inside over the Slytherin green carpet with silver snake embroidered on the middle towards me. She softly places the tray on my nightstand.

"Did Master Malfoy have a nightmare again?" "I did Mimy, but I don't know how to stop it. It seems impossible." "Maybe you should talk to the lady which name you were screaming, sir?" "Have I been screaming her name," I ask with frowned eyebrows.

Mimy nods driftly. "Yes Master Malfoy, you've been screaming the name 'Hermione' over and over. If you don't mind me speaking, I think you should talk things out with her. She seems really nice.." 

"No, impossible. She'll never even look at me. Not that that is weird or something, I completely agree on the fact that she hates me." "Are you sure she hates you sir?" "There's no other way possible than that Mimy." "You know sir.. people sometimes do things against the logical ways. Do you know why Master Malfoy?"

"Nooo...," I ask her hesitantly. She looks at me with her big bright blue eyes. "Because the heart intervenes."

I look at her with a look of hopeless disapproval. "No, that's not how Hermione works. She always uses her mind first and then her heart. There's no way she would forgive me for what I've let overcome her." "You might be wrong there sir, but I don't push you," Mimy whispers.

She nods her big head at the porcelain teacup. I grab it with two hands to keep it stable and drink. I sigh deeply when the warm liquid flows through my throat towards my stomach, leaving a heated trail.

"Thank you Mimy, I feel a lot better already." "Thank you Master Malfoy. Now go back to sleep, tomorrow is a long day." "I will, Mimy. Can you tell my mother that I'm gone early?" "Sure sir. Goodnight and sweet dreams." "Goodnight Mimy."

Mimy leaves the bedroom, shutting the light. I drink the cup empty and lay back down, turning to lay on my left. I clutch the sheets in my fists and close my eyes. This time, I have no dreams to disturb my sleep.

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