PaRt 14

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" when the world i've come to know
is a replica of our own
forever alone
flying in the air

when i'm refuged and i'm saved
and my spirit never breaks
i'm hiding away
flying in the air  "

Alberto Rosende - Fragile World


The double doors to the hall open and rows of weddingguests await for the entering of the bride. Elegant music begins to play and we slowly shuffle inside. The marble flooring makes noise beneath the heels of me and Ginny.

At the end of the long way down to the aisle I stand on the side of the room. I directly stare at Ron, who was of course Harry's Best Man. Little Teddy Lupin stands next to Ron as ringboy. For this occassion he has his hair cobalt blue.

Harry and Ginny exchange their vows and on the end they exchange rings and kiss. Everyone applauses for them and I begin to jokingly bawl at them. Pictures were taken and we all move to the reception location.


Merlin, what was this boring.. Why did Astoria have to drag me over to the wedding of Potter and Weaslette again? Oh yeah: she was befriended with some of them and didn't want to go alone. Still: Blaise, Pansy, Theodore(aka Theo), Daphne and I just stood in some corner with our drinks, waiting to the moment it will be polite to leave.

"Hey guys," I hear a voice coming closer to us. It was Astoria, finally. "Hey Astoria, how is it going," her sister, Daphne, asks. "Oh everything's good. How are you?"

"Bored," I replied before anyone could say anything. Astoria scowls. "Well, why don't you dance with someone then? Enough pretty ladies to sate your insatiable lust," she snaps.

"Like who," I challenge her. Her face turned into a wicked grin. I knew that face: she had a Slytherin-cunning plan that will turn out bad for at least one of us. "Hermione, for example?"

My eyes turn to the size of saucers. "Did you just say Granger? Do you want the groom to kill someone on his wedding day or something?" "Harry won't kill you, Ginny wouldn't let him, to be more precise.. by the way, she looks really gorgeous, don't you think?"

I look around the reception hall until my eyes find the Brightest Witch of her Age. She was indeed really gorgeous in her white dress which reaches her knees and had a sweetheart neckline which covered enough of her body. I wonder...

No, stop right here. Don't go too far unless we want to begin censoring the stuff I think about.

"By the look on your face I see you agree. Come on then, talk to her! Ask her for a dance," Astoria encouraged me. I look at Theo and Blaise in the hope for some back-up, but they were just staring at Granger's body.

"Ugh, fine, I'll ask her," I groan. With my foot I push myself off the wall and place my champagne glass on the table we had surrounded. Trying to not let my confidence waver I push myself through the mass of people towards 'The Golden Girl'.

She was talking to some old lady and I heard the woman say she was tiny and that her bushy hair was ugly. Okay.. straight to the point, I get it. Only Granger seemed really annoyed at this moment.

I tap on her shoulder and she turns around. Her brown eyes reminded me so much of something but I couldn't place my finger on it.. Her eyes widened as plates when she saw me.

"Malfoy?" "Granger.. would you like to dance with me?" She frowned her eyebrows but then she turned her face to see the old lady, who finally stopped talking to observe everything happening between us.

"I would gladly dance with you," she says, taking my reaching hand. I tighten my grip a little and take her to the dancefloor. I place a hand on her hip and take her other in my hand.

A new song begins and we slowly begin to shuffle. She blushed a little but I couldn't tell if it was because of the heat inside this room or because of standing so close to me. Or because all eyes were on the unusual pair we were forming, of course.

"So.. who was that old woman who was talking to you. Or well.. insulting you really.." "Its Ginny's aunt. She talks like that to everyone. Believe me, I saw it at Bill and Fleur's wedding," she says, softly giggling at her own joke.

It is really cute, to be honest..

Before we knew the song had ended but we just went for the next song, not seeing Ron's murderous looks, Harry and the Weasleys' confused expressions or the look of satisfaction with her evil plan of Astoria.

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