Chapter 8

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The morning sun burned on my face. The sound of Helga's soft, adorable snores came from the chair. She'd obviously came to check on me and fallen asleep.As i rose from my bed, I smiles softly at her as I put on a loose, not-too-posh dress as i got ready and headed to the dining hall. I walked slowly into the dining hall, I saw all of my suitors already inside, having a rather heated argument.

"I am a king, I outweigh them all. I deserve to spend time with my bride." King Dov said calmly, eyes dark but tone unreadable. Duci growled in reply. "We will be emperors!" He snarled. "she is mine!" Miklos grabbed his brother's shoulder and pulled him back. "Duci, calm yourself." he said diplomatically, eyes narrowed at his brother. Duci sighed and nodded, stepping back, but still glaring at his rivals.

My father stood and walked to them, at the same height as King Dov. "My daughter chooses her husband, and how she will spend her free time." His voice was low, quiet and threatening. "DO we understand eah other?"

I stepped in further, clearing my throat to quell the tension. Yama looked over, as his face spread into a wide, laid-back smile, almost cocky in its shine. "Princess, good morning." I curtsied in reply, addressing each guest. "Princes, mother, father..." I curtsied to each before looking at my eldest suitor. "King Dov..." Dov acknowledged me with a nod, red eyes glinting.

"This is enough arguing for today." My mother stood, tiara resting gently on her elegant (M/H/C) hair. "It's time for breakfast." The Princes all bowed to her and found their own seat. My father kissed my mother's cheek and sat in his rightful place at the head of the table with my mother on the right and my space on the left. Dov tutted softly and sat begrudgingly between the Ruskanan twins.

The servants filed in, bringing the best delicacies of Axeobritia to the table for our esteemed guests. The twins indulged with satisfied grins, Yama ate slowly and respectfully as did the rest. He smiled at me, as if reminding me of his gift to me last night.

As the servant who delivered my food left, his blue eyes met mine. It was the same boy as from before, only this time, he mouthed something to me.

'Run, Y/N'

Before i could ask anything, he'd left. "princess." Dov snapped, attempting to get my attention with an emotionless face. "I wish to complete our introducing later on in your free time." My father cleared his throat. "If i may be permitted to do so." Dov mumbled his addition, sending a side-glare to my father who merely continued to eat. Swallowing my mouthful, I replied. "I have free time after lunch if you wish to talk." "We shall meet here. Be here on time." "Hold on," Father cut in. "We have a luncheon with the guards again today, so I'm afraid you won't be permitted entry King Dov." Dov growled in annoyance before he sighed and said "fine then, we shall meet just outside." Father sighed, but nodded nonetheless. Finally, once all had finished eating I left and began my eloquence classes.

† ~ ♕ ~ †

Afterwards, I waited for him at the outside of the dining hall. Slowly, he walked down with a proud stance. As he came close, he bowed to me. "Princess, would you care for a walk around the outside of the castle?"

I gulp softly and curtsey before looking up at him. "I'm not allowed outside of the castle unless its the courtyard or the outside paths."

He hums. "Then to the paths we go then. Guide me there." he orders. I nod and walk towards the exit door and walked out.

Flowery hedges lined the paths and for a few meters more, plants, trees and flowers grew before the walls ceased my sight. I walk slowly along the paths, gazing dreamily at the beauty around me. Dov huffed softly. I looked back at him "King Dov?"

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