Chapter 6

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I spun around and saw him, facing me with those deep blue eyes I adored so dearly. "S-sir Alexander." I nodded in respect, shutting my eyes. He stepped closer, eyes burning with hot rage seeing me quite so shocked. "Are you alright, Princess? You look quite shaken up." He says, his voice shaking as it wasn't what he wanted to say. I bit my lip before freeing my plump lips with a quiet pop and speaking.

"I'm fine... Just a bit a stressed. I shouldn't bother you with my issues..." I say softly, with a fake smile plastered on my face.

He looks at me and chuckles. "Trust me, your burdens will one day be mine too. I am your loyal servant and friend." He says quietly, smiling. "Please, let me escort you to your room and you can talk as we go. Hearing you talk is the best part of my day, trust me." He shuddered and chuckled.

With a smile, I nod. Linking arms, he walks me to my room. I absorbed how he looked now. He was in a more party suited armour: thinner breastplate and greaves, no helmet with a velvet blue cape attached to the shoulders with two bronze plates. Into the left, upper breastplate was carved a sun rising over a crude version of the castle. At least, I assumed it was ours, I'd never seen it from outside.

"Well Princess? Talk away." He looks at me, his stable arm holding me steady as I walked. "Well.. it's not the fact that I'm surrounded by boys who seem to get some sadistic pleasure from flustering me but, that I must choose to court and one day marry one of the,... Am I wrong to feel stressed? One day I must run a country and yet, choosing a suitor infuriates me." I say with an angry sigh. He stops walking beside me and looks deep into my eyes, locking my hand in with his.

"Princess, you know you don't have to choose one of those suitors." He says. "You can abdicate your throne and marry someone you truly love. Or, wait until your parents find you someone to marry instead" he looks deeply into my eyes, holding my hands to the cool silver of his armour.

"I cannot abdicate... I couldn't bear the shame." I say looking away from his deep blue pools. I blushed as he tensed, squeezing my hands. "Then you must choose or wait." He looks away too, hair flowing, his single, long plait tumbling over his shoulder. "But there is not shame in abdicating, Princess... I'll always see you as a beautiful, strong woman..."

"I... I suppose I must choose..." I was about to say more, gazing at him before he muttered, "Good night Princess..." swept my hands up into a kiss and walked off, rigid, letting my hands go tentatively. I watched him walk off, smiling softly and blushing. With a sigh, i leaned on one of the columns and bit my lip, gazing at his retreating form.

I swayed into my room, shutting the door behind me and sliding down it with another soft sigh. Slowly I looked around for Helga, but didn't see her. I flinched. Where'd she gone?

Getting up, I looked for my nursemaid and found her on the other side of my bed, sound, safe and sleeping. I hope. I smiled and laughed softly, going to investigate her further.

Possess Me (Yandere princes x princess!reader x Yandere King)Where stories live. Discover now