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Alex and Maria walked back to their foster home. Martha was standing in the doorway and asked "How was the party?"

Alex smiled and said "It was amazing! I met these three boys and we became friends from the start! The three boys names were Hercules mUlligan, Lafayette, and John Laurens! I also got to meet Peggy's sisters, Angelica and Eliza"

Martha smiled and said "That's nice sweetheart. What about you Maria?"

Maria said "It was nice. Me and Peggy served Mac and cheese to people and I met Peggy's sisters. Peggy has a baby sister named Catherine"

Martha said "It's nice to know you two already have friends here" Alex and Maria nodded and smiled

Alex asked "Where is George, Martha?" Martha looked down the street and said "He is out doing stuff but he is coming home soon"

Alex and Maria nodded and ran into the house. "Can we help you make dinner and set the table?" Maria asked

Martha said "Yes you may. Alex you set the table, Maria you help make dinner" They nodded and ran to their destination

Martha walked into the kitchen and took out the ingredients for dinner

Alex took out silverware and napkins. He placed them at the table that fitted four people.

He grabbed the cups and filled them up with drinks that each of them liked

George came through the door with a lion plush and a wolf plush. George asked "How was the party, children?"


George gave Alex and Maria the plushes. Alex got the lion and Maria got the wolf

George sat down at the table and said "That's nice"

Martha nodded and said "Food's ready" She placed the food at the table and then each grabbed a serving

~Time skip after dinner, brought to you by Maria the wolf and Alex the Lion playing hopscotch~

Alex got up and washed his dish. He went upstairs and got changed

Maria soon finished after Alex and washed her dish, running upstairs to change

Martha and George finished and cleaned their dishes. They went to their own room and changed, going to sleep

Maria asked "Ooh, Alex wanna pretend we are animals?"

Alex smiled and said "Yes! I'm a lion" He picked up his lion plush and hugged it

Maria said "Then I'm a wolf!" She grabbed her wolf plush and hugged it

They continued to play as animals until it was their bedtime, 9:30.

~The next morning~

Alex and Maria were asleep on the floor, cuddling their stuffed animals and each other.

It was exactly 5:15 AM and they had to start school today. Martha opened their door and said "Children, It's time to wake up now!"

Alex woke up with a start and shook Maria. Alex said "Okay" He got up and picked out Maria's clothes

Maria woke up and yawned. She got up and picked out Alex's clothes. Alex went into the bathroom to change

Maria changed into the clothes Alex picked out for her.

She went downstairs and ate the breakfast Martha made for them. "thank you" She said smiling

Martha said "Your welcome, Sweetie" Alex went down the stairs and said "Thank you, Martha" He ate his breakfast as well

Martha said again "Your welcome sweetheart" She poured each of them a glass of milk

They drank the entire cup and hugged her. Martha said "Oh, the time flies! It's time for you two to go to school!"

Alex and Maria ran to grab their bags. George went outside with the keys and gave his wife a goodbye kiss. Alex and Maria gave Martha a goodbye hug as well

Alex and Maria ran to the car and George started it. They took off driving to the school and Alex and Maria got out once they reached the school

George took them to his classroom, which he teaches 5th Grade, and Alex and Maria played in there for a bit

George said "It's time for you two to go to your classroom, do you need help looking for it"

Alex and Maria nodded and George led them around, showing them the different classrooms. He walked them to their classroom and said goodbye to them. He headed back to his classroom and looked through paperwork

Alex looked around the classroom and saw John. "JOHN!!!" He yelled. He ran towards John and John looked at him

John grinned and said "I can't believe that you are in my class! Oh and I want you to meet Hercules's sister, Come 'ere"

Hercules's sister, Adrianna, walked up next to John and said "Yo, I'm Adrianna"

Alex smiled and said "I'm Alex, over there is Maria, my sister"

Maria walked over and said "Hi! John is Peggy here, or?"

John said "Nah, but I think she is next-door" Maria frowned a bit and said "Awww okay"

Adrianna laughed and said "Well I'm gonna go and head off" John, Alex, and Maria waved goodbye to her

Alex asked "What do you wanna do, John?" John thought for a long time and said "How about we write, or draw"

Maria said "Let's draw!!!!" Alex shook his head and said "Let's write!!"







"Okay let's play with the turtle instead..." John said, scared half to death

Maria and Alex smiled "Okay!" They three walked over tO the turtle and petted it

Eliza walked into the classroom and saw Alex "T-there he is, Angie..... Boy he got me helpless"

Angelica sighed and said "Yep" Eliza turned towards her and asked "Can you go and talk to him for me? Pleaseeee?"

Angelica smiled and said "I can't say no when you use your puppy eyes" She walked over to Alex, John, and Maria

Angelica asked "Hey Alex? Can you go and talk to Eliza?" Alex turned towards her, smiling. "Sure" He said happily

Angelica grabbed him by the arm and took him towards Eliza. Eliza's face was super red

Alex asked "You needed to talk to me?"" Eliza nodded and hid her face. She asked "Alex....... I... Uh..... I have a giant crush on you...... Do you like me back?"

Alex said "B-but we.... We just met.... Just yesterday......" Eliza looked heartbroken and said "It's fine if you don't like me........... I know you will say that you would like to stay friends longer"

She added "That's one way to freindzone someone......" Alex was stunned. He said "E-eliza....... I never said I didnt like you back....... Sure I don't know if I have a crush on someone, but that doesn't mean I don't like you"

Eliza stayed quiet. Alex grabbed her chin and said "Elizabeth Schuyler, don't cry over me, a dumb old boy, while you have guys who would die just to be with you"

Eliza hugged him and said "I... I know... Thank you Alex" She smiled and Alex patted her on the back

"Your welcome" He said. Angelica said "I'm going back to class, see ya" We waved goodbye to her and Eliza went back to class

Alex walked back over to John and Maria. Maria asked "What happened?" Alex was smiling and said "Eliza admitted her feelings to me" John looked a bit heartbrokened

Alex added "But I made her see that she shouldn't fall for a dumb boy like me"

(My arm is sore from writing so much..... Only zoomdog123 and will understand the easter egg in this chapter)

{DISCONTINUED}I Love You (Lams)(Children AU)Where stories live. Discover now