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❝ Through the Fire ❞ ➵ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐈
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NIGHT HAD just fallen on the shire, as Bilbo and I sat down to enjoy some freshly caught and cooked fish. I was completely famished, having spent the majority of the day practicing with my twin blades, and my bow and arrows. They were my pride and joy. They had belonged to my father, and I vowed to learn how to properly use them to make him proud.

Bilbo looked up at me with an almost stern look, "Did you get the flowers repotted, and planted today?"

"Well... most of them..."

"Ivy, I've been asking you to get that done for the past three days," he said with a shake of his head.

"I'm sorry uncle, I just got distrac—"

Bilbo abruptly interrupted me, "You mean you were off playing with that horrid bow and it's arrows?"

"You may think it's horrid, but you never know when it may come in handy." Sighing, I went to pick up some lemon to sprinkle on this fish, just as Bilbo was doing, only to be stopped at the sound of knocks coming from the front door. What in the name of middle earth? Bilbo got up, and I wearily followed, as this is not a normal occurrence in the shire, hobbits take dinner very seriously, well ever meal for that matter. By the time I caught up with Bilbo I was completely taken aback by the sight of a tall bald dwarf, who was covered in tattoos.

He turned to he and gruffly asked, "and who might you be lassy?"

"I-Ivy Baggins," I said with a slight courtesy.

"Well, Dwalin, at your service," he bowed. He then pushed past me into the kitchen and proceeded to eat both Bilbo and I's dinner.

Bilbo and I stood awkwardly in the kitchen watching this dwarf eat our dinner, "Mmm... Very good, this. Any more?"

"What? Uh, oh, yes, yes. Ivy could you pass me the biscuits?" I reached over but took two off of the top to save for Bilbo and me. As Dwalin continued to eat all the biscuits there was another knock on the door.

"That'll be the door," he gruffly said.

I made my way over to the door, and slowly opened it up to find an old white haired dwarf, with a long beard. He was shorter than Dwalin, and looked much friendlier.

"Balin, at your service."

Bilbo came up behind me, "good evening..." Balin looked past us, and saw Dwalin and broke out in a wide grin, and began to chuckle.

"Oh, evening brother."

Dwalin walked up to him, and he towered over him, "Oh, by my beard, you are shorter and wider than last we met."

"Wider, not shorter. Sharp enough for the both of us," that remark was enough to cause me to let out a quite giggle. However that giggle was cut short the second they crashed their heads into each other. Ouch! I assume that it is some sort of dwarfish greeting, but it just looked painful. I stayed in the hallway as bilbo chased after both, Dwalin and Balin. I could hear things falling over and hitting the ground, and my uncle complaining about the dwarves in his pantry. As much as I love Bilbo he does need to lighten up.

Through the Fire ➵ 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐈 𝐃𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now