"Chew and swallow then speak. Don't chew and speak at the same time unless you want to choke."

I roll my eyes and do as she says.

"I don't think Louisa planned on making a racket when I was in because she wasn't aware of me turning up like Luca was. Even Nick wasn't aware of me turning up from what I saw."

"Oh . . ." She nods with a petted lip. ". . . okay."

I wait a few seconds before smiling as I think of Louisa.

"She's beautiful, Allison." I gush with a big smile.

Allison recoils in shock at my confession.

"She has his hair colour. This cute little chubby like face and long dark lashes that you'd swear were false. And her eyes . . . I've never seen pale blue eyes like hers before, they're so light you can't help but become captivated. I've not seen a picture of Nadia but just looking at Louisa, I can tell she must have been really good looking for Luca to have gone out with her."

"She must have been," Allison agrees. I glare at her with a look of disbelief as she gets to her feet. She huffs at the look on my face and smiles. "You know I'm joking." She moves to stand behind me and hugs me from behind, her arms tight around my shoulders. She places a kiss on my cheek and adds, "She hasn't got anything on you and I'd bitch-slap her for you if she upset you in any way."

"Thanks for that," I respond, patting her arms before she lets me go.

Allison leaves my side and walks round the island, pulling at the top of her Disney themed pyjamas so it sits better at her hips and not halfway up her back as she stretches. She reaches for a bowl out the cupboard and pours some cereal into it then turns back to me.

"Is Luca texting you when someone is coming to pick us up?" She asks while yawning and pouring milk into the bowl.

"I think so. Either that or Nick is coming with his driver to pick us up." I drop my spoon into my half-empty bowl and pick up my glass of juice. "Nick's still got the bill to settle for everything that's been charged to the room so it may be him."


I frown and give my full attention to Allison.

"You've let this whole Louisa thing drop way too easily," I point out.

"It's only twenty past eight in the morning, let me wake up a bit more before I drill you more about it." She defends, rubbing her eyes.

I begin eating again and point my spoon at Allison as she yawns again. "When did you go to bed?"

"About one in the morning," she responds on another yawn. "Then I got your text at about six but didn't read it right until I woke up to the sound of my phone going off with Greg phoning me."

I nod and we leave the conversation there. We eat the rest of our breakfast in silence, Allison choosing to sit on the island worktop across from me to eat her cereal. When we finish eating, I give my bowl and empty glass to Allison who places them in the sink just in time for the two female housekeepers arriving to do their first of two rounds of housekeeping for the day.

"Can you do down here first while I have a shower?" Allison asks the light haired, petite housekeeper that comes into the kitchen. "I won't be long."

"Yes, Miss." The housekeeper nods.


Allison dashes out the kitchen and I laugh at the sound of her thumping footsteps rushing up the stairs to her room.

"Do you want us to stay down here, too?" The other housekeeper asks me as she enters.

"No, it's fine." I smile at the black haired housekeeper. "I'm going to start packing so the things that are down here will be out your way for you to clean the place more thoroughly."

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