Live A Little - 3

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The next morning, Angelique was up before anyone else and preparing breakfast for the family. She was just pouring milk into a orange bowl painted with yellow flowers for Amber Lily when her mom came into the kitchen.

She grabbed the plate of omelets and waffles with very little syrup that Angelique had made just five minutes ago for her and went and sat down at the dining room table without saying so much as a 'good morning' to her daughter.

Her dad had already eaten and left and since Angelique knew that Amber Lily wouldn't be up for a long while, she got started on her own breakfast.

She poured herself some orange juice and grabbed two pieces of bread and placed them in the toaster. Then from the fridge, she grabbed a packet of yodels and tore through them.

Amber Lily refused to eat anything that had cream in it, so Angelique could happily have her leftovers. There was a lot of cream in the second yodel, so Angelique stuffed the remaining half in her mouth and then brushed off the crumbs from her face as she chewed.

As her fingers swept past the corner of her mouth, Angelique was brought back to the memory of how Zacharia had wiped that oil smudge from her face as easily as if he had done it plenty of times before.

Angelique let her fingertips linger on the spot. It had felt so weird when he had done it. He had used spit and some of it had even touched the corners of her lips. It was just like a kiss would've been.

Could she really count that as her first kiss? And that too from a guy she barely even knew? No, Angelique realized, she couldn't. Because, for one, when Zacharia had felt no difference while performing the action, why should she?

Angelique sighed and turned around, only to knock into Zacharia himself.

"Oh!" She jumped in the air. She dropped her hand from her face and crumbled up the yodel wrapper. "Didn't see you there." She muttered subconsciously.

"Thinking of me?" Zacharia smirked.

"Huh?" Angelique couldn't believe he knew that, but she tried to play it off like that wasn't the case at all. "Uh, n-no! Why would I be doing that for?" She started looking all around the room like Angelique did whenever she was lying and felt like she couldn't face the person she was lying to.

"You don't have to lie, I understand." Zacharia replied, his lips twitching at the side.

"Oh OK then. Yes, I, uh, actually was thinking about you."

"Wait, really?" Zacharia mused, his eyes suddenly lighting up. "I was just joking."

"Oh." Angelique ducked her head in embarrassment.

"So, uh, what are you doing up so early?" Zacharia asked, peering at her with curious eyes.

"Making breakfast," Angelique stated simply. "Have you had anything yet? I could make you something." Angelique bit down on her tongue. She didn't want Zacharia to think she liked him or anything by being so nice to him, but it wasn't something that could be helped. She was used to being nice to everyone; even if they constantly insulted or put down or even embarrassed her.

"No, that won't be needed. Thanks though," Zacharia was giving her a weird look and it made Angelique feel uneasy. "Um, are you always so..."

Angelique looked up at him and wondered what Zacharia wanted to say.

"What?" She asked quietly.

Zacharia opened his mouth, but what came out was Amber Lily's voice instead. She came into the kitchen rubbing her bed head and wearing a pink bathrobe over white pajama pants.

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