"Sky Full Of Stars"

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     The announcement was only for a few sponsors and to introduce Matthew to everyone in the crowd. He was even more nervous when Ivan came out to see him skate on the other side of the rink.
    "Now it's time for the last performance tonight we have tonight. Matthew Williams skating to Coldplay's instrumental version of, 'Sky Full of Stars.'"
    "You'll do great!" Alfred called as he held Matthew's jacket and plushie while Matthew skated out onto the center of the rink.

    He stayed still patiently until the music started to play. Much like Ivan's music with pianos and violins but this music was slower and not as lively and traditional. You could even hear his blades sliding against the ice and the music playing gently. Alfred and Francis stood together and watched their "Little Maple" skating and cheered when he did a double axel. When the cheering died down, Francis noticed from across the rink, Ivan wasn't taking his eyes off Matthew for even a second which was unusual. The Russian would usually watch a skater's performance but would become uninterested and meet fans. But this time, he just continued to watch his performance and even clapped when Matthew landed another axel. Francis smiled at Ivan's actions and continued to watch his student finish his performance since he was Matthew's coach after all.

     After a few more minutes, the crowd cheered and Matthew stood with his feet crossed and his arms high above his head. He huffed a bit before skating back to his brother and retrieved his glasses, jacket, and bear.
   "You did amazing!" Alfred smiled, "That was the greatest performance I've ever seen from you!"
   "...Come on, Matthew, Let's get your score."  Francis said and led him to the same place where each skater got their score from the judges. Alfred followed but stayed out of the camera's way when Francis and Matthew were shown on the t.v.
   The announcer then spoke again,
   "Matthew Williams: All Points from First Round: 7. All points from Winter Tournament: 7."
   After hearing his score, Matthew got trampled by Alfred and Francis. They pulled the Canadian into a tight hug saying, "Congratulations!"
    He had just go the highest score for a figure skater rookie on their first competition, but for this case, for their first round.

     Everything else was a blur for Matthew but when Francis, Alfred, and him were walking to the hotel the tournamnet rented for all the skaters and coaches. Right when they were about to enter the lobby of the hotel, they heard someone call behind them,
    They all turned and Matthew was greeted with a huge bouquet of Trillium Grandiflorum flowers. (Canada's country flower)
    "Th-Thank you...uh...I think it's Arthur behind this...?" Matthew held the bouquet and finally saw Arthur's blonde hair and emerald eyes.
    "Yes. It is." Arthur replied. "I saw your performance on the television and it was absolutely stunning. For you, Alfred, I would have been as proud as you as I am to Matthew if you would have made that double axel into a triple." He crossed his arms, wearing his black long coat and gloves. Arthur was Alfred's coach ever since Alfred started perfessional figure skating which was four years ago.
    "Thank you, Arthur." Matthew said, smiling.
    Before Arthur could reply, Francis stepped into the conversation, "It seems you have barely made it to the beginning of the Winter Tournament, Mon Cher-"
    "Don't call me that, Frog." Arthur interupted.
    "Anyways, how was your trip back to England?"
    "It was wonderful-"
    "Great! Don't want to hear about it." Alfred said as he walked into the lobby of the hotel, escaping the cold weather of New York City.
    "Nit-wit." Arthur replied, following Alfred with Matthew and Francis. Francis and Matthew laughed quietly at their small argument and Francis called when they were inside,
    "Alfred, be a dear and check us in at the front desk. Then we can go to our rooms. " (Francis is such a mom)
     The American nodded and signed their names off quickly so they could go to their rooms already. They went to a nearby elevator and went up to the third floor where their rooms were at. They went down a hallway of doors slowly, finding their rooms soon enough. Alfred handed them their keys to their rooms that the woman working at the front desk gave him. When Matthew opened his room, he gasped,
    "Woah! This is the fanciest hotel room I've ever seen!"
    There was a kitchen with an island on his left and a couch with a flat screen on his right. There was then a small hallway with two doors, one a bathroom and the other his room with a queen-sized bed and another flat screen.
     Alfred then came up behind him and put his arm around his brother, "Isn't this great, bro? This is practically what each hotel room looks like for figure skaters during competitions. All the skaters living like Kings and Queens! The girl skaters are even having their own Winter Tournament." He explained.
    Francis then stepped in again, "Now, Alfred, leave your brother be. I'm sure both of you are tired after your first round. Especially for Matthew. Now let's go to our rooms and do whatever we do. There's a pool and hot tub here too if you boys feel like going for a swim or something." He turned to Matthew as Arthur and Alfred went to their rooms which was next to eachother. "Skaters are allowed to leave the hotel at any time and come back to their rooms. So feel free to get dinner if you would like, Matthew. I'm so proud of you." Francis smiled as he went to the room right next to Matthew's and closed his door as Matthew closed his.
    All of this...for me? Matthew couldn't believe it as he put his luggage in his room and sat his bear down on the bed. He looked around the room for a bit until he heard some loud talking and laughing outside in the hallway. He looked through the peephole and saw it was Gilbert and Antino. Ugh, Gilbert. Matthew pulled his face away from the hole and thought for a moment. He and Gilbert were dating when Gil was still an ice skater himself but now he was Antino's coach. Then they broke up when Gil dicided to move away from Matthew in Canada to train Antino in Spain. That was... a year ago...? At least.
    Now, he dispised him. And he had a perfectly good reason to. He jumped when he heard a knocking at his door which he was just looking out from. He looked back through the peephole and jumped again. He opened his door, his head peaking out,
    "W-what brings you here....Mr. Bradisnsky?"

    To be continued....

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