Chapter 33: The Bump

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Chapter 33: The Bump

*POV: Harry*

I watch as Snow makes her way around the kitchen area of the hotel. I take another photo of her with the Polaroid camera I got. I explained to her how much easier it would be to make a baby book if I could just glue them down then. We all know that I’m too lazy to go and get the photos developed. I shake out the photo a bit so it’ll clear. Smiling at her in the photo, her baggy clothes and hair tied back. She has a bandana holding it back more correctly. Her bangs are still in that awkward stage so she stole all her mum’s bandanas to keep it back.

I grab the baby book and open it to a new section. The top of the page reads “Four Months.” It has a bunch of cute baby things all over it such as binkies and everything. I put the progress of every two weeks in here. We have to get another ultrasound this week. I only do the ultrasounds every month. It’s amazing to watch how they grow.

It’s been two months since the first ultrasound. It’s amazing how time has changed. Snow’s nearly half way through her pregnancy though and she hasn’t told her mother about it. Granted, she wears a lot of baggy clothes and hides away over here, it still isn’t that good. She needs to tell not only her, but her school also. I have to leave in a week to rehearse for tour. She’s also starting to show through her baggy clothes. I’m quite worried by how skinny she is considering she’s supposed to have double the weight instead of normal, but the doctor tells us that it’s normal due to the age she is.

“Want some?” Snow asks coming back into the kitchen. She has a plate with watermelon on it, cut in to slices. She also has a peanut butter jar and a spoon. Oh great. Another pregnancy craving. This time it doesn’t seem as bad as the time she wanted pudding with ketchup in it. The thing that sucks most though is that I promised her to try them all so she wouldn’t seem so weird. I nod as I paste the photo into the book.

“I look like shit in that one Harry,” she whines as she takes a bite of her watermelon covered in peanut butter.

“You always look gorgeous to me,” I respond, pressing a kiss to her lips. I have noticed that she’s been a bit happier lately, something that makes me really happy. I’m assuming it’s because her mother hasn’t found out yet, but we all know that it’s inevitable.

“You shouldn’t kiss me like that. My hormones are all out of whack,” she whines yet again. She does complain a lot more, but it’s getting better now that she’s in her second trimester, something that I’ve learned is a good thing. Her sickness goes away for a few months and she’s supposed to go back to normal, minus the extreme horniness. You’d be surprised by how horny pregnant women are.

“I like to kiss you like that though,” I respond as I take a piece of the watermelon and popping it into my mouth. She then reaches forward and kisses me again, hard. I know she’s trying to get farther than I allow her, but I don’t want our actions to possibly damage the kids. I have to be gentle with her, something she wasn’t willing to try.

“Snow….,” I moan as I pull away. She pouts at me, not pleased with my departure. I press my lips to hers again quickly and softly before pulling away again.

“You’re showing through the clothes now,” I tell her. She frowns and looks away, knowing that I’m right. She knew that this day was coming. We would have to tell her mother eventually.

“Do we have to tell her?” she whispers. I nod, knowing that I can’t say much. It’s the beginning of April and she is showing too bad to cover it up. She has two more months of school too before graduation. Poor thing. She has to tell her principal. I know how much school means to her, but she sure as hell won’t be allowed to attend if she’s this bloated.

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