"I'm guessing this is it. Are you ready Jay?" Antonio asked

"Yes I am.  Let's get to it" I said

Adam clicks on the video and we all watched it in silence.


(Val sets the camera in front of her with tears streaming down her face)

"God this is so hard. But umm...this is gonna be the start of a new journey for me"

(She stands up)

"Surprise! I'm 3 months pregnant and alone.  But this isn't gonna stop me.  I'm gonna take you along with me through this journey" she cries

(She holds up a sonogram in front of her belly)

----Video Paused----

"Jay you okay?" Antonio asked

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"Jay you okay?" Antonio asked

"JAY!" said Adam

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"Do you want to continue?" Antonio asks

"What a bombshell" said Adam

"Please continue" I said still in complete shock

----Video Resumes----

"It's just gonna be you and me baby.  You're dad's out of the picture.  I'll protect you and keep you safe.  Hopefully you won't have to meet that asshole dad of yours. This is where your journey begins.  Here we go." says Val closing out the clip and a new one comes on

"Hi my sweet baby.  You're 10 weeks today.  You're just a little peanut.  You've been making me sick but its all worth it. I'll see you in the next video.  Bye for now." 

(Next clip)

"Good morning my little lovebug, you're 15 weeks today.  I felt your first kick today.  It was the best feeling ever.  Here's a sonogram of you with all of your little fingers and toes. I just can't wait to see those little fingers and toes.  I get to find out what you are in 5 weeks.  See you in the next video lovebug."

(Next clip)

"Well good afternoon sweetie.  I'm in the doctors office right now.  I'm about to find out what you are.  I'm hoping you're a girl but part of me hopes you're a boy too"

(Doctor comes in)

"Here we go.  Gonna find out what you are in 3...2...1... you're a girl! Oh baby, I'm so excited to meet you even more! I absolutely can't wait!"

(Next clip)

"Hi babygirl. It's been awhile.  You're 30 weeks today and you're very active as you can tell."

(Val stands up and shows her stomach with movement inside it)

"Just a few more weeks and I get to see you in person. I'll see you soon"

(Next clip)

"Hi babygirl. You're 38 weeks today and I'm on my way to deliver you.  You're a few days early but it's alright.  That means I get to see you sooner.  I'll see you when you're here.  Goodbye for now"

(Next clip)(Val sets the camera down)

"Hi.  This is really hard.  As you've seen my journey through my pregnancy, it all didn't end well.  Anastasia Rose was born on July 8.  My sweet babygirl was born with out a heartbeat.  I got to hold her once before I let her go.  That's all I have for now.  I'll see you soon my sweet angel"

-----Video Ends-----

"We'll give you space.  Call us when you need us" said Antonio wrapping up his stuff and leaving with Adam.

I head over to the couch and sit down taking in all of this in.  I regretted myself even more. I hate myself for what I did. No wonder why she hates me. I had a daughter. That was what she wanted to tell me that day.


Hey lovelies! Let me know what you think!

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