Chapter 16

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~3 months later~

Jay's POV

It has been 3 months since the last time I spoke to Val. I've been trying to contact her everyday but she's been still ignoring my calls. I'm going to keep trying until I get to talk to her. The past couple of months I have been battling with Sara over the stupid DNA test for Luke. She finally gave in and is doing it today. I run and go grab a coffee before heading over to the hospital. I park my truck and walked down a couple of blocks to the coffee shop. Right as I was about to walk through the door, I bump into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry miss" I said turning around before realizing it was Val

"No no it's okay" she said


"Oh hi Jay..."

"Wait for me. I wanna talk"

"I can't. I'm running late. I gotta go" she says before turning and walking away

I run into the coffee shop and grab my usual then run out to catch up to her.

"WAIT!" I yelled after her before catching up to her

"Jay, I can't right now" she sighed

"Please can we just talk for five minutes. That's all I need" I reassured her

"5 minutes. You can walk with me" she says

"Okay. I know that you don't want anything to do with me. I know that with Sara in the picture ruins everything. I want to just know that you are okay"

"I am okay. I've been okay for the past 3 months"

"I want you to know that Sara also agreed with the DNA tests I ordered. We're doing them today"

"Wow, it only took you like what - 3 months?" she said rolling her eyes

"I know it took so long but I will have an answer and end this once and for all" I said stopping in front of her while placing both my hands on her shoulders

"I'm happy for you. I am. I just don't want to be part of your life anymore" Val says before walking around me and into a flower shop. I follow her.

"Please just wait to know the results. Then if you still don't want to do anything with me, I'll let you go and I'll be out of your life. For good."

"How much are these?" Val asked the florist about the bouquet of roses

"They are $40 dollars" said the florist

"Valerie, are you even listening to me?" I asked

"I heard you" she said still looking around at all the different flowers

"Alright, I'll keep you updated" I said leaving

"Mhm" she said

Right as I was about to leave the shop, the florist yells for help.

"SOMEONE HELP!" yelled the florist

The customers were crowding her. I made my way through to the middle. Once I got to the middle, there was Valerie passed out on the floor. The florist was fanning her but still no response.

"VALERIE!" I said getting by her side

"I don't know what happened. She was roaming the flowers then the next thing I know she collapsed" said the florist

I checked Val's pulse and she still had a somewhat steady pulse. I grabbed my phone and dialed the station to send over an ambulance.

"This is detective Jay Halstead, badge 51163, I need you to roll an ambulance to Emma's Flower Shop. I have a patient that is down. Please hurry" I called

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