Chapter 25

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*Three Years Later *

Val's POV
It's been three years since I left everything behind. I found a nice quiet place further away from the city. I thought about moving to another state but this is my home. I currently work at a local bar down the road. Trying to get myself on my feet and on the right track. Raising two kids while balancing work to be able to take care of ourselves is hard.

Kai and Halston are just the sweetest. They're about to turn 3 in a few days.. They're growing up so fast I can't believe it. Both with different personalities. Halston is just like me while Kai is just exactly like his father, Jay. I've spoken to them about their father and explained to them that it was hard between us both and that it was best for us to go our separate ways. I let them know that their father loves them and soon will meet him eventually. As for my love life, I have been seeing an old friend for the past three years. His name is Alex. He's been there for me and the kids every step of the way. We are engaged as well and are planning for the wedding.

I pull into the parking lot of the grocery store and grabbed a cart. I put both kids in the cart before heading inside. As I shop, I receive a phone call.

"Hello?" I answers

"Hey babe, can you please pick up some beer and wine? One of my good friends is coming over" Alex says on the other end

"Sure of course. Anything else you need?" I asked

"You sexy" he chuckled

"I'll see you at home then" I said before hanging up

"Mama who was that?" Kai asked

"That was Alex tell me to get him some things" I smiled

"Is he gonna be our daddy?" Halston asked

"I don't know baby. Maybe" I said

I finished grabbing all the groceries then made my way over to the wine and beer section. I grabbed the most finest red wine I could find and a 24 pack of Budlight. I paid for the groceries and alcohol before heading back out to the car. I buckle the kids in their car seats and then got in the drivers seat and made our way home. 

"Mama who is Alex's friend?" Kai asks

"I don't know honey. I've never met them" I say

"Can we get milkshakes mama?" Halston asks

"Sure thing sweet pea" I said

I drove to the cafe down the street from our house.  I got the kids out of the car and we all headed inside. I ordered a strawberry shake for Kai and a chocolate shake for Halston.  I ordered myself just a simple coffee.  Once we were done, we headed back out to the car and headed home.

As I pulled into the driveway, there was a truck parked right in front of the lawn.  It did look familiar but I didn't think anything of it. I got the kids out of the car and grabbed all the groceries. Once I opened the front door the kids ran into the kitchen where there was laughter coming from there.

"Slow down please!" I say as I carry in all the groceries before shutting the door

"ALEX! Look what we got!" Halston screams

"Mama got us milkshakes!" Kai screams

"And who are these little guys?" I hear someone say

As I make my way into the kitchen with the groceries, I stopped dead on my tracks once I saw who the guest was.

There he was

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There he was. Just sitting by the window, lost for words. I couldn't move nor speak.  I knew we'd run into each other one day but out of all days why today.

"Hun, I'd like you to meet my best friend Jay" Alex says introducing us while grabbing the groceries out of my hand

"Mama, that's Jay" Halston says

"Yeah it is..." I say not breaking eye contact with Jay as I pick Halston up

"Hi" Jay says

"H...hi" I hesitantly say back

"Kai,go with mama upstairs. She'll give you a tubby then you can come down and hang with us. Okay buddy?" Alex says

"Okay!" Kai says

I pick Kai up and hold him in my other arms.  I take him and Halston upstairs and gave them a bath.

The whole time while giving them a bath I just panicked. I don't know how to explain to them that Jay, their dad, is downstairs.  I don't even know how to talk to him myself.

Jay's POV
I finally found her. She's been here all along. And the kids, gosh they've grown so much. I'm just in so much disbelief.

"Jay, you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost" Alex says

"Oh sorry. Just thinking of some things" I say taking a sip of my beer

"Isn't my fiancé gorgeous. Can't believe I got my hands on that. If you know what I mean" Alex chuckles

There it is. His douchebag side is coming out. This guy hasn't changed a bit.

"Where's your bathroom?" I asked

"Down the hall to the left of the stairs" Alex says

I make my way down the hall just as I bump into Valerie at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh sorry" she says

"It's okay" I say

We both just stare at each other. Scanning each other's faces. My eyes roaming between her eyes and lips. It's like I could kiss her right now but I don't want to push it.

"Mama can we come down now?" Kai asks bringing our attentions back

"Yes baby. I'm coming" Val says going back upstairs and bringing them down

"Hi Jay" Halston smiles

"Hi princess" I say crouching down to her level

"What do you do for work?" Halston asks

"I'm a detective" I say

"My daddy is a detective too" Halston says

"My daddy is a detective too" Halston says

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I look up at Valerie and she looks away. It's good to know that she talks about me to the kids.

"Halston, go play with your brother" Val says

"You told them about me?" I asked standing up

"Of course" she smiles

"There you two are. We getting wasted or what?" Alex asks while handing us both shots

"Cheers" I say raising my glass to Valerie's

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