When He Finds Out You're Pregnant.

Start from the beginning


You snuck passed your dad who was asleep on the couch, knocked out cold from all the booze he'd been drinking.
You had 2 backpacks full of your things, you were going to run away with Liu.
Liu was waiting outside for you, and soon you opened the front door and entered outside as quietly as you could.
You shut the door, and Liu smiled as he reached his hand out to takes yours.
You smiled back and took his hand, going with him wherever he took you.
The both of you went into the woods, it was pitch black and very quiet.
You thought it would be a good opportunity to tell him the news you found out only a few days earlier, that you were pregnant.
You took a deep breath and softly spoke, "Liu I have something to tell you."
Liu's emerald eyes looked over at you and he raised his eyebrow, "Yes?" He replied in the same soft tone.
You took a sharp inhale and quickly said "I'm pregnant."
Liu stopped walking and then let go of your hand.
You gulped and quickly braced yourself for jim to do something, which he did.
He gave you a huge hug, and squeezed you tightly and heard him squeal a bit.
"Are you serious?" He asked as he looked at you with a bright smile.
You sighed in relief and smiled back as you moved some of his brown hair from his face as you replied, "Yes."
Liu smiled again and kissed you, then he pulled away the same second.
"Sully is literally screaming with joy right now." He said as he then looked as if he was spacing out.
You laughed and hugged him tightly, to which he hugged back.


You and hoodie spent the whole day together watching movies and cuddling, it was a little date night, with a surprise.
Hoodie kissed your forehead and removed his arm from around you as he got up from the couch.
"I'm gonna g-get something to eat." He said as he walked to the kitchen.
You smiled devilishly as you looked back at the TV.
"I think there's a sandwich in there." You said.
His footsteps quickly got faster, he practically ran to the refrigerator.
When he got there he nearly threw the door off as he saw a sandwich sitting on a plate wrapped in plastic wrap.
But what was on it though, shocked him.
There was a big note on it that read 'I'm pregnant'.
His hazel eyes widened and he shut the door,
running to the living room.
"R-REALLY?" He yelled with a wide smile on his face.
You smiled and nodded, which caused him to jump in the air and do a fist bump.
"Y-YES!" He yelled again as he continued jumping up and down.
You laughed and lovingly smiled at him as you watched him be happy and excited.


The Toymaker was a bit irritated today, which made you space a bit from him.
You didn't know why he was irritated, but his eyes would occasionally go from honey yellow to it's angry emerald, then back.
You sat on a chair at your desk glancing over at Jason who was laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
You sighed and placed a hand on your stomach, getting ready to tell him the news.
"Jason." You calmly called to him.
Jason's eyes looked over at you, "What?" He asked clearly irritate but trying to hide it.
You sighed and stood up, running a hand through your hair.
"I'm pregnant." You said as you covered your face.
Jason's eyes widened and he sat up, his whole demeanor changing.
"You're what?" He asked needing reassurance of what he just heard.
You uncovers your face and nodded, "Probably not the best time to tell you but yes." You replied.
Jason instantly stood up and walked to you, and when he got in front of you he pulled you close and kissed you.
Before you could kiss back he pulled away, and he smiled.
His honey eyes were full of happiness.


You were wearing one of Jeff's hoodies and snuggled into your bed, waiting for him to climb through your window.
You found out only a few days ago that you were pregnant, which scared you.
You didn't know how Jeff would react, and also for the fact you still live with your parents.
The window suddenly opened up and Jeff crawled in.
"Heyo baby~" He said as he stepped in, holding a rose in his hand.
You softly smiled, "Hi babe." You said quietly.
He raised an eyebrow and noticed something was off.
"You alright?" He asked.
You gulped and looked away from his gaze and bit your lip.
"I'm pregnant." You said softly as you closed your eyes.
The room went silent for a minute, and you thought Jeff was going to do something.
"Are you not happy about it?" He asked confused.
You opened your eyes and looked at him.
"I-I am I just thought you'd be angry..."
Jeff scoffed and smiled, "Are you kidding? I'm gonna have a mini me!" He exclaimed happily.
You smiled with relief as Jeff set the rose down and then climbed into bed next to you.
He kissed your cheek and then wrapped his arm around you.
You giggled and snuggled close to him as he placed a hand on your stomach.


You were trying to get LJ's attention.
Currently he was stuffing his face with candy and cracking stupid puns and jokes, to which then he'd laugh at and almost choke.
"I'm on a roll with these puns Y/N, you'll have to ketchup cause you're in a pickle." He said as he burst out laughing as he at chocolates and other sweets.
You sighed and and folded your arms as you looked down in disappointment.
"Food jokes, really?"  You said as you looked up at him.
He smiled and shrugged his shoulders as he continued to eat candy.
For a few minutes after that you tried to get him to stop and listen, until you finally shouted out.
"I'M PREGNANT!" You shouted loudly and in his face.
LJ froze completely, his silver eyes widely looking at you, his claws lowering the candy back down he had just picked up to eat.
"Got your attention now huh?" You said as you unfolded your arms.
LJ blinked a few times before swallowing the candy that was in his mouth.
"Gumdrop, are you really pregnant?" He asked as a slight grin formed on the edge of his lips.
You nodded, "Yes I really am." You replied.
LJ smiled widely and laughed as he jumped at you and hugged you with his long arms.
You hugged him back and heard him happily hum to himself, "I'm gonna be a daddy~"


Masky has just gotten home, and as soon as he sat down at the kitchen table you put a slice of cheesecake down in front of him, but you made him close his eyes.
"Okay, okay, they're closed." He said as he took off his mask and covered his eyes.
You took off the tinfoil that was on the cheesecake, which showed the words 'I'm pregnant' in raspberry icing.
"Open them." You said as you took a step back.
Masky uncovered his eyes and looked down "So why did I-"
Just as he spoke he went quiet, staring the cheesecake with his shocked brown eyes.
"You're-" He couldn't even speak as he turned his head to you.
You bit your lip and nodded your head, a slight smile on your face.
Masky stood up and ran his hands through his hair.
"Oh my god I'm gonna be a father." He said sounding shocked at his own words.
He jaw-dropped mouth turned into a wide smile as he reached at you for a hug.
You smiled and took his embrace as he protectively and tightly hugged you.
"This is the best news I've ever heard."


Toby sat on the couch with the dog, waiting patiently as you had news to tell him.
You smiled and scratched the back of your neck as you looked him in the eye.
"Tobias, I'm pregnant." You said as you placed a hand on your stomach.
Toby's eyes widened and lit up at the same time as they stared at you through his goggles.
"Y-You're pregnant?" He asked in disbelief as he sat up more.
You smiled and nodded.
Toby then grabbed his hair with both of his hands and stood up in shock with his eyes still wide.
"I'm gonna *tic* b-be a d-dad?" He asked sounding as if he needed reassurance.
You rolled your eyes, "Yes Toby, you're going to be a father."
Toby then squealed really loud and he grabbed you and pulled you in a huge hug.
"This is t-the best thing e-ever since *tic* waffles!" He exclaimed as he held you tightly.
"The dog or the food item?" You questioned with a smile.
Toby didn't answer, only hugged you as he squealed with happiness and excitement.
Edited January 8th, 2019.

This is the end of my Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenario book, thank you all for (currently) 20k reads and a little over 1k followers!
The same day (Jan. 8th) that this book has completed editing I have a new Creepypasta book published.
Check it out if you'd like, I also have an Xreader and lemon/oneshot book as well.
Thank you so much for reading this, and please comment! I love going through and reading them.
-Ella ❤️

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