Chapter 13-Axel

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Killian was still asleep, but I couldn't sleep. I'm too nervous. I'm not ready for this. Not ready to be a mom or anything. Not ready. Luckily i have a month left, but it's going to pass too soon.

We somehow make it down the stairs in under 10 minutes and i go the coffeemaker to make tea. I brew some tea, leaning against the counter and looking at stomach. Just one more month. Then, oh then it really starts.

I hear a knock on the door and my wolf gets protective. I sniff the air and my nostrils have forsaken me. I open the door and it's my dad. My dad who refused to talk to me after he found out Killian and I were mates.


"May I come in Axel?" he says short and in an authoritative voice. I motion him in and he takes a seat on the couch. I take it next to him and put my swollen feet up.

He takes a second to look at me and my massive stomach and i can feel him nearly judging.

"Mom was right. I was wrong."

"Wrong about what, Dad?"

"I, I was raised in the traditional sense. The alpha is always dominant. The Alpha finds a beautiful girl. The alpha is the only one. I'm wrong. You found a mate and now you're expecting pups and yet you still hold your head like an alpha. And you'd till have this feeling of dominance. I'm sorry Axel." My dad is sorry,

"I forgive you, but I wnat you to know that you can't just flake when you please."

"I know, Axel, I'm sorry."

I smile, "All is forgiven."

"Now, tell me about my grandchildren? I'm curious to know."

I smile, stroking my hand over my stomach, "Well, there's three. There's beta twins who we are naming Jet and Silver. And then there's the Alpha who we are naming Scarlett."

"Scarlett?" He asks confused.

"Yes. She's the alpha. Who would of known?"

My dad smiles "Indeed"

"What made you change your mind?"m

"Well, your mother is quite the lady." I nod agreeing with that.

I suddenly hear a door slam open, "Axel?! Axel where are you?!" Oh yeah I forgot whenever he wakes up and I'm not there he has like a nervous breakdown. I think that's more of why I do it becuase is funny as fuck.

He bolts down the stairs, wrapping his arms around me, "Not fair, Axel! I told you not to do that!" He looks up and notices my father. Automatically he bolts up, and stands at attention.

"Sorry, Alpha, sir. Didn't see you there, sir." He always panics around my dad. He's neurotic about pleasing him since he was five. Now he's extra. 

My dad smirks, "I'm not the Alpha anymore, Killian. And things don't have to be so strict. I mean, I'm now your father in law in a way so I mean things can be more relaxed. He nods, still standing straight.

I pull his arm down so he's sitting on the floor next to me, "Killian, I was just here to talk to Axel and I hope you know I'm sorry about how distant I had become. I truly am." Killian smiles wide.

"I'm not upset. I understand it's a lot to take in, but, I'm glad you finally accept it. I hope you know I treat your son with the most absolute respect. He's everything to me." I nearly burst out into tears. Hormones.

We talk more and it's finally great my dad has accepted this. That's all I ever wanted from him. 

That's all I'll ever need.

Hi sorry I didn't die. (maybe a little inside). Anyway, it's been forever since I posted, and believe me I couldn't stop thinking about it. And I also get to share the fun fact that there's only a few chapters left. Fun yay. But there will be a sequel! Thanks for 1K!! Byeee guys!!!

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