Chapter 19

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Harleys POV

As we race through each car in traffic we laugh at the failing attempts of the henchmen trying to catch up. On the way Mr J told me that the point of this bank robbery was to show the world me but not to introduce myself as that would come later. Plus he told me that he had warned all the henchmen that i was his and they should treat me like they treat him or he would chop up all their wives and kids and force feed the remains to them. Which of corse made my heart flutter. He really did care.

Once we had arrived at the bank we got the guns of the henchmen that finally caught up. Mr J and I walked inside the bank and shot the automatics up at the ceiling to get the attention from the small amount of people in the bank. There were henchmen on the roof to take out the alarms and men outside for any complications. laughing, Mr J put his gun towards the lady at one of the counters.

"if you don't want to die tell me were the vault is" he growled

I giggle as he presses his gun on the woman's face she gives him the direction of the vault and walks towards it and then shot her anyways. We had discuss briefly that I would stay out with the crowd to make sure no one tries anything and he would go get the money from the vault and the henchmen would go for the cash in the counters.

I walked around the small crowd of people that shrived in fear on the floor as I would point my gun at them and laugh. A plan had formed in my head and I decided to play a little game.

"ok so we are all gonna play a game. If I look at ya and don't like the way ya look then you get a bullet in ya head. Like duck, duck goose but wayyyy more fun" I shout to the crowd.

a few people screamed and cried and another gentlemen shouted that I was a monster. I shot him for being so rude. I paced past the people and made sudden movements to scare them. I came across a young lady who was very pretty. Dark eyes and hair and fair skin. see didn't seem as scare as the others.

"what ya aint' scare of me?" I ask pretending to be hurt

"No. I'm just sick to death of people like you who think they can do whatever they like. People like me who work hard are fed up with being pushed around and bullied by people like you. you don-" I cut her off by shooting her in the leg. she was starting to bore me. she screamed in pain.

"first off I can do what the hell I like. Second what makes ya think you are so special cuz news flash your not. No I've seen a million girls with your same act. People like you are only on this earth so people like me have a punching bag" I say viscously. I shot her 10 times in the leg knowing that she would die painfully and slowly from blood loss.

"well I'm bored now" I say and shoot everyone in my sight. Mr J came back with bags of money and looked at the amount of blood and dead bodies.

"Well you've really out done ya self dollface" he laughs amazed at the violent crime I had just enjoyed committing.

"We better get outta here now harls. Bats will be on our tail."

"Ok Mr J" I smile and nod and we head back to the car with lots of bags of money.


Well that was a bit rude of that woman. who the hell does she think she is?


thanks for le reads my dudes.

New chapter tomorrow :)

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