Chapter 22

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Harleys POV

"Woah" i breathe out after a mind blowing sesh with Mr J.
"Wow" Mr J breathes out and i giggle a little realising that i was starting to feel sore.
"I don't think i will be able to walk for a while" i giggle out to Mr J.
"Good." He replies.
We lay in a comfortable silence until my thoughts interrupt.
"Hey Mr J"i call breaking the silence.
"Yeah" he yawns
I look towards him.
"You kinda just stole my virginity" i giggle.
I wasn't popular in high school and had practically no friends. There was only two girls i was friends with for my entire time. There names were Lucy and Maddie. No boys would go near me so i never 'got laid' which was apparently what made you cool but nether did Lucy and Maddie so we were the Øutcasts I guess.
I was dragged out of my thoughts to Mr Js reply.
"Ive just committed the best crime" he smirked.
I blush at his cute remark and continue to lose myself in thought.
"Crime is how we met" i say to myself just remembering the past.
"Indeed" Mr J said not realising that i said it out loud.
"You remember the sessions we had"
"I could never forget any moment with you my dear"
There goes my heart.
I blush again.
"I brought you those cups if puddin"
"Hmmm" he said not really paying attention.
"Puddin" i whisper to myself.
"Thats ya new nickname" i say
Realising that he had lost all focus which kind of contradicts with his previous statement.
I giggle again.
I slowly relax to my head resting on Mr Js chest. Letting sleep catch me in its hold to the beat of my puddins heart.

~~time skip~~

I slowly woke up to the blinding light of the morning. I stretch my arms out to find myself still in the presents of Mr J.
I get myself up avoiding waking him as I'm still not to sure if he is a morning person. And judging by the fact we have knives in the bedside table i don't want to take that risk.
I pop on one if Mr Js shirts on my naked body. I look around the room to see bits of clothing that had being flung around the room after our steamy sesh. My fucking bra so on the other side of the room.

I went down stairs and got to the kitchen and there was already a display of food on the counter. I turn to the henchmen that was standing in the corner waiting for orders.
"Why is there food here?" I ask confused on how it got there.
"We gotta chef. Boss like pancakes." The guy said in his big tough guy voice.
I couldn't help but giggle at this.
"The Clown Prince of Crime. The Ace of Knaves. The King of Gotham City really likes pancakes" i giggle
"He also like waffles" the henchman said.
"No like that not the p-
Never mind" i cut myself of as he doesn't get what I mean.
Mr Js men clearly don't need to take a IQ test before hired.

I grab a small plate from the cupboard and put a couple of pancakes on a plate for Mr J and make my way back upstairs.
I go to the bedroom to find Mr J awake and up.
"I heard ya like pancakes. So i brought some" i say passing the plate forward suppressing a giggle.

jk fam got ya.
Well sorry this is short and slightly depressing xd
I cant stop
Please help me
Its a condition i swear
Well go follow and read maddieeeee27 and luhatessubtitles account cuz there stuff is really good.

Im not commanding you to do it
Just suggesting.
Im not king John-un
Or am i
Well hecc
Am i?
Please help

What the fuck is kim john-un doing write fanfic

Well dont ask me fuckers
Jk fam

Fuck sake i need to die


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