Chapter 8

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Harleen POV

I finished my session with Mr J and went back to my offices. Once i got back i fill out a little information but i didn't mention his childhood in it as i felt that was something between us. Something that shouldn't be shared with any other sole.
Once i finished i start to pack up my stuff and headed home. When i got home i opened up my door to my apartment and walked in. I decided not to make dinner as i was to afraid of a repeat of last nights events. I went in the kitchen and put my handbag on the side taking out the ring.
I mixer of emotions flooded through me as i remember Kyle last night. But the pleasant and confusing memory of Mr J calling me his property of corse overpowered any others emotions.
I heard a noise from my bedroom and i quickly armed myself with Kyle's baseball bat and slowly approached the bedroom
I slowly moved the door open with the bat in-front of me. I was prepared to start swing when i notice that it was just Kyle sitting on the bed drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels.
"What are you doing? Why are you not at work?" I ask as o slowly start to calm down.
I wasn't scared of Kyle. I never was. I was scared of the pain he brought.
" well Harleen i d-didn't go in to work because i had s-some thinking to do" he slurred just showing how drunk he was.
"I have decide I'm going to stay with my parents for a bit to get away from you" he said point at me.
"Fine" i reply clearly showing how i don't really give a shit.
"What. do you not care" he says standing trying to intimidate me
"To be honest I'm fed up with your shit. I need some time away from you too" im so proud of myself for standing up.
But then it backfires.
He pushes me against the wall banging his fists on the wall
"You whore. Your worth nothing to this world. Your nothing to me"
I don't reply to this as i didn't want to get in anymore trouble with him.
" I'm leaving" he pronounces.
Still drunk, he throws some clothes in a bag and grabs his keys. Leaving the apartment and slamming the door i watch him drive off to his parents through the window.

I walk back into the living room and look around. There were so many crushed beer cans around the room. I kick some out of my way not really caring anymore and switch on the tv. I watched the new.
' The clown prince of crime aka The Joker has once again escaped Arkham Asylum. The commissioner advises all locals to stay inside and look out for a purple Vador. A car the joker has known to drive. Any New information on his whereabouts please inform the police'
I was shocked. He had escaped again. And i thought i was getting somewhere with him.
I then heard my phone ring. I go to pick it up to answer to Doctor Arkham.
"Harleen this is important. The joker has escaped" he said frantically
"I know i saw the news"
"Look harleen he is known to kill his psychiatrists before.."
I cut him off
" look Doctor Arkham I'm safe. Im inside and I'm not going anywhere"
"Are you sure"
"Yes I'm fine"
"Ok harleen just stay inside and we will catch him"
"Please catch him"
"We can only try our best. goodbye harleen"
I hung up the phone and then something hit me.
Mr J knew about Kyle hitting me. He is going to kill him.

O0000ooooo000Oooo honey
Will Kyle survive Mr J
Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
Yooo rip Kyle tho

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