Chapter 1

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Harleen Quinzel POV

My loud alarm went off and I quickly turn it of by hitting it quite violently with my arm. I probably broke it.
Today was my first day working at Arkham asylum, and I must say I was very nervous.
I was worried mostly on what patients I would be assigned to.

I got up out of my warm bed were my boyfriend still lay asleep somehow not awakened by my alarm. I quickly rush to the bathroom and started to run a hot shower.
I felt the hot steamy water run down my body and relaxed. I had nothing really that I should worry about I have work very hard all my life for this. There's no reason to panic. Yet I was.
I stepped out of the shower and dried myself of.
I put on a red silk top and black pencil skirt and of corse my makeup on. I step out of the bathroom to see my boyfriend Kyle awake. " you look stunning Harleen" he commented. "Why thank you" i kissed him on the cheek and went to the kitchen.

Kyle wasn't the best boyfriend ever but I do love him. Sometimes he gets quite mad and aggressive towards me but to be truthful it's usually because I'd done something bad. So I forgive him.
I grab a apple for my kitchen and popped it into my bag.
I put on my black heels on and left my apartment.
I drove my little red mini down to Arkham. The drive wasn't long and within 10 minutes I was there.
I shoved all the worries to the back of my head and went to the front desk.
"Hello I'm Harleen Quinzel I'm new here" I spoke confidently " yes Doctor Quinzel here your ID card this will get you into any cell on the first floor and a couple on the ground floor. If you proceed down the hall then you will stumble across Doctor Arkham office he will tell you what to do"
"Thank you".
I did as the receptionist said and made my way to Doctor Arkham office.
I knock on the door "come in" a voice inside croaked.
I squeeze my small frame inside and shut the door behind.
"Take a seat Doctor Quinzel" I like being call Doctor. It makes me feel powerful. Like for once in my life I was in charge.
"So Doctor Quinzel your office is just down the hall to your right. I have your patient ready and all the files" he spoke not really look at me.
" may I ask who my patient is ". I was excited but scared of the answer to come. " Harleen this patient is very difficult and if you are not up to it we can assign you to another"
" well who is it"
"The the Joker"
Oh dear. What do I do I feel if I don't treat him the Doctor Arkham will think I'm weak. And if I were to cure him as my first patient think of the opportunity ahead.
I have to. I'm not a weak person. I'm strong.
" that's fine I can treat him" confidents radiated from me
"Are sure. Harleen he is a very twisted man. Who plays mind games"
" I'm very sure" I cut him off.
"Well ok. Good luck Harleen"

And with that I left his office ready to for anything.

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