"Dude, I'd leave if I were you." Oliver told him. Grant looked around at all of us and then shook his head and stormed away. All this fuss over little ole Dakota.

"Aww, you guys are all so sweet, defending me and what not." Dakota said, still laying down, just as calm as ever. I shook my head at him. "To think I just thought you were all annoying."

"Maybe I should call him back over." I muttered. Sadie hit me and Dakota laughed.

"You're going to get fired from being my body guard." I rolled my eyes, not even answering him. I had to admit, he was pretty funny. But, I was confused as to why he was suddenly uninterested in the guy.

"Why'd you piss him off?" Felix asked.

"He called me cutie. I hate that. Instant turn off." I raised my eyebrow. Seriously, this of all reasons, is the reason he suddenly turned uninterested? That's so stupid. Oliver laughed a little and I shook my head, laying down by Sadie.

"Hey, do you want to go swim?" I asked, searching her eyes. She smiled, shrugging.

"Just for a little while." I nodded and she kissed my lips. I grinned and got up, then helped her get up. "Dakota, you'll be alright?"

"Yeah. When are the girls coming?" He asked. I raised my eyebrow as Sadie laughed sheepishly.

"They uhh... they aren't coming." Dakota rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Why didn't I know that." He grumbled, pulling out his phone. I pulled Sadie away as she tried to talk to him.

"Come on babe. He'll be alright." She sighed and ran with me to the water. I loved to be in the water, it calmed me more than anything. I could swim for hours upon hours, unfortunately, no one else really felt that way about water. So I was usually swimming alone.

I sighed once having the water surround my waist, going further until it hit my chest. I smiled and splashed the water a little, grinning widely. Sadie kissed my cheek and wrapped her arms around my neck. I looked into her blue eyes and smiled, she is a such beautiful girl. Her long, gorgeous, brown hair was pulled up now.

"What's going on in your mind?" She asked me. I shrugged.

"Nothing really." She sighed. "Yours?"

"I'm worried about Dakota." I raised my eyebrow. He's a grown man, he can take care of himself. Why be worried about him?

"He's just... too trusting of people. He's let Oliver come back into his life too many times."

"He doesn't seem too trusting. He pushed that guy away because he called him cute." Sadie laughed a little, but then got serious again.

"Yeah... I just don't know Reid." I sure as hell didn't know either.

"Well, try to help him if you think there's a problem. I don't know what to tell you." I kinda wished I didn't ask her to come out here now. I wanted to relax in the water and not think, and instead she's got me wondering if Dakota really was okay. I mean, he seemed like he was. He always seemed confident and happy.

But I knew from experience that that wasn't always a sure sign things were okay.


After swimming around and horse playing with the guys, we all just sat under the tent for a while longer. Dakota had left with some guy and the sun was setting. No one realized he was gone, and I didn't want to bring it up to have people think he was okay.

I stood up and walked around. I went to the tent the guy and his friends were at.

"Hey, have you seen a boy with neon pink shorts? He was with one of your friends." I asked the guys there. They frowned and shrugged. One guy stepped forward.

The Good Things in Life (boyxboy) (gay)Where stories live. Discover now