chapter eight.

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"alex" there was a bang at my door. "you've been in your room for a week!" 

i wiped my eyes and began to panic. a week I thought, it's been a fucking week? i looked around me, my room was a mess and i stunk. there was a stain on my bed that looked like piss and blood. i got up and looked into my mirror. my eyes were red and my hair got thinner.

suddenly i remembered, jonathan. and everything that i was holding, that i was trying to cover, came up like a boiling pot.

i was angry,

i was sad,

i was confused

and i was lost.

i couldn't control myself, i just couldn't help it. i burst out in tears and destroyed everything that was in my way.

i pushed everything off my desk,

i smashed my computer,

and i smashed every cd that i had.

i screamed and fell to the floor.

i was shaking,

i felt so fucking cold.

i need to find him,

         i need to find jonathan.

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