"Here. Pair up and share a can each." said Roy as he slid a can down to Eddie and Kaitlyn, and then one for me and my Dad.

We ate a little too enthusiastically having not eaten since breakfast yesterday.

After we ate my Dad engaged Roy in an "adult" conversation. Which meant I had to retire to the lounge chair in Roy's living room.

Still I listened intently to their conversation trying to make out whatever words I could.

"So do you know of a place where a group of four can stay?" asked my Dad.

Roy stayed quiet for a bit obviously thinking. He exhaled slowly before he finally answered.

"There's a few abandoned buildings here and there, but all the ones I know of are near some bad communities."

"Worse than that Len guy's group?" asked my Dad.

Roy let out a chuckle and said, "Oh yeah, much worse. I wouldn't bother with them."

My Dad stayed silent taking in this information for a while.

"And I don't suppose we could stay here. No offense or nothing, but your home seems just right for you. I don't think it could handle four more." said my Dad.

"Mmmhmmm. Right you are." Said Roy.

My Dad exhaled in defeat. "I don't know what to do anymore. This world has gone to complete crap, this was my last resort Roy."

"Well, why don't you guys just get back on your feet and keep searching more. I hear Washington is still good." offers Roy.

"No, we've been all over, and my group is done. We don't have much more fight in us. We're one more disappointment away from biting the bullet." answers my Dad.

My heart sunk in my chest. I knew what my Dad said was true, but actually hearing the words was a whole different sadness on its own.

Roy sighed. "Listen. There's...a place...that I happen to think would do fine for your group." Roy said slowly.

Instantly my Dad jumped on the oppertunity.

"Where is it?" He said. "Anywhere, we'll go anywhere if it's safe."

Roy continued. "It's very large, and very well protected. I'm friends with the person who lives there. They don't like strangers, heck they barely like me..." He trails off with a laugh.

"The thing is, you guys seem like good enough people, and if there's one thing this world needs more of it'd be good people so I can't let you guys die." Roy finishes.

"Wow. Well thanks Roy." My Dad says. Soon after Roy continues.

"Like I said, they don't like strangers, but they do owe me a favor. When you meet them you better say I sent you, or they won't take you in." warns Roy.

"When's the last time you saw them?" asks my Dad.

"Mmm about seven or eight months ago." answers Roy nonchalantly.

"Seven or Eight!? Roy, how do you even know they're still alive?" My Dad questions with shock.

Roy chuckles a bit and then gets serious. "Oh I know they're alive. They're smart like that."

"Wow, okay then. Who is this mysterious friend we're looking for might I ask?" says my Dad.

"They go by Everett." says Roy solemnly.

Now I stand up from the lounge chair and make my way over to their conversation not being able to contain myself any longer.

"What kind of name is Everett?" I ask as I interject the conversation. My Dad snaps his head back at me in annoyance for interupting their chat.

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