I shake my head and stare at Ryland. Ryland looks like he could die at any moment. Tears are streaming down his face and he drops fully to the ground, forehead on the tiles. I wanted him to look at me so he can get the message that I'm faking, but he thinks this is all real. My heart hurts more than anything in the world. The way I'm clinging onto Dylan is the way I want to cling to Ryland.

"Don't kill him." I tell Dylan. He immediately asks why and I think about my response for a bit, "Everyone does wrong at some point. It is our responsibility now to teach him not to do it again. Poor rogues don't have good education."

"But he hurt you..." Dylan tries to argue back.

"And I'm still alive and well." I say back to him. He doesn't look pleased with my answer. "Promise me you won't harm him?" He looks over to Ryland and grimaces. I pull his face back to me and put our lips close together, but not touching. I make sure that my breath hits him and my voice is low and silky. I feel the goosebumps on his skin as I whisper to him. "Do this for your mate, won't you?" His hold on me tightens and he nods his head. He wants to kiss me, but I don't want to kiss him on the lips. I turn my head and give him a quick peck on the cheek like it was something I have done for years.

I look over to Ryland and see that he had sat up again just in time to see me kiss Dylan. If my words didn't break him by now, the kiss surely did. Dylan rubs my back, "Fine. I'll do whatever you ask, little mate." I smile and cuddle up to him like I used to do. He lets out a hum of satisfaction and pulls me toward the door. "Let's go now and head upstairs. Leave him to think about his life now."

Dylan ushers me out of the room first and hurries me away from the scene in there. I hear faint cries from inside the room and I feel like dying. Ryland believes that I was affected by the memory loss drink when really it never happened.

Dylan wanted me to stay with him in the room and I had to agree. Soon enough, he tried to impose himself onto me that night but I denied him saying that I was tired. The next morning, he scared me more than I have ever been scared before. He tried to rape me. After that, he then drugged me and I had no choice but to fall asleep from the chemicals as he did what he wanted to do to me. I was furious when I woke up, but I have a suspicion that he never did anything to me that night. I heard my father's voice when I was going under, so I could only hope that he barged in on us and stopped Dylan from using me.

I went to Ryland's room down in the basement to finish my plan. I ended up pretending to get hit by the unmating serum and hugged Dylan. Ryland gave me a weird face when he saw me pretend to be unmated when he knew we were not. He would have been hurt if it happened, so he knew I was acting. I searched Dylan's pockets for a key he keeps that unlock Ryland's chains, that I found out he keeps on him at all times from last night, and took it. When he shut the door to get out to get out of the room, I dropped it and kicked it under the crevasse of the door so it could reach Ryland in the center of the other room. Soon enough, Ryland had picked it up and unlocked his chains, finally free.

I let Dylan know that his plan failed and I could see the fear in his eyes. It only amplified once Ryland walked out, ready to tear Dylan apart. I hate it that Ryland suffered for so long thinking that I loved Dylan again when I was pretending the whole time. Now that the secret is out and he is out of the room, I can't tell what he is thinking or feeling. He raises his head and glares at Dylan with an unknown glint in his eyes.

Ryland takes slow steps toward Dylan and his fists start to turn white from too much pressure. Dylan has fear etched into his eyes and walks backwards but Ryland follows him. I can feel a tense situation in front of me and would like to leave, but I need to stay here and see what happens. No matter what Dylan did to me, he was once my best friend and was forced into this situation by his parents and the Alpha. He can't die, but that doesn't mean is isn't going to leave here unpunished.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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