Chapter 21

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It's been two weeks living in this cozy home in this weird, unknown pack. Ryland swears that they are not rogues like I thought, but a pack thought to be dead. Many centuries ago, there was a pack called Central. They were the wealthiest, smartest pack known to man. It is located in the middle, surrounded by the rest of the packs, giving it its name of the Central.

There was a point in history, where the North grew jealous of the beloved Central pack and attacked it. Because of this attack with no hint of warning, the Central lost immediately. The Alpha's family, including himself, was said to have been killed first in front of their people. Most of the land was took over by the North, giving up more territory to expand, and the people converted over to us. The rest of the small portion of leftover land was for another pack to take, or rogues to inhabit.

They teach this to us as a great victory for our kind in the North. Now that Ryland explained this story to me again, really makes me think that the North was the true loser. Why would we want to fight our neighbors? For wealth? Land? Technology? Or maybe we are too prideful in ourselves, that we need to be the best in everything because our higherups are vain.

I had asked who Ryland now serves under and he told me he serves under 'the people.' I'm guessing he's low in the food chain to give me such a response, but I don't mind one bit. I used to care about my potential mate's wealth when I was younger, but it is all meaningless to me now. As long as I ended up with a mate who loves me, that is all I want.

After some time to enjoy myself with my mate, it really put life into perspective for me. Being in his small home, compared to mine, I now know that house size doesn't matter at all. My large mansion-like home was grand and filled with people all the time from workers to party-goers, but it felt lonely all the same. In his quaint home, I felt secure and loved. Even when I was alone for a bit here, these walls hugged me everywhere I turned, and it reminded me of my mate who grew up here. Every step I took was a hug from the man I love.

Speaking of the man I love, he is lying down on the couch with his head on my lap taking a small powernap before his sister comes back with her husband. I stroke Ryland's thick, wavy, brown hair with my left hand. My right runs down his shoulders to his arms, and back up. It's been a while like this, so he should be waking up soon. Though, if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't want to wake up. He just looks so comfortable!

You would think that within two weeks, he would have marked me. He hasn't. I always wonder if he has doubts, but he insists that it is not the time to do it yet. It's strange. Usually the girl has reserves about the guy marking her, but it's the exact opposite. If he offered to do it now, I'd say, "Heck yeah!" I'm probably being too forceful with it though, so I'll just stay back and wait for the day to come. Doesn't hurt to ask about it every now and then though.

Also, all we have done is made out. With my previous, disgusting relationship, we had gone pretty far despite not actually being mates. Ryland doesn't seem to push the idea until we kiss. Even then, he ends up stopping himself and apologizing to me. I don't know if he thinks he is the bad guy if he wants it before he marks me or something, but I'm as open as a jar of peanut butter. More open than a window on a hot day.

As I start going deeper into my rabbit hole of thoughts, I feel Ryland shift. My cheeks immediately flush from embarrassment. He feels all the emotions I feel, and right now I want him. He knows that I'm thinking about doing him! Oh God this is so embarrassing!

He opens his eyes to reveal dark brown eyes that lock with my emerald ones. He stares at me for a moment before smirking. I suck in my lips, knowing that I was caught, and can do nothing but stare back at him. He reaches out his pointer finger and slowly brings it up to my nose. He lightly touches the tip of my nose, "Exposed~"

Alpha RylandOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz