She nods, eagerly, "please? I just don't want to get into anything I don't want to just yet." I sigh and reach into my drawer next to the bed and pull out a condom. I sit on top of her pelvis as I am messing with the wrapper and she watches closely. "Dylan?" She asks and I respond with a hum, too focused on trying to wrap myself up fast so she doesn't kick me off of her. "Why are we in this room? Why not mine?"

I look around and shrug, "We needed a room together and you chose this one for a temporary living space. I think you were going to decorate our actual one before we moved in there." I get everything ready and position myself on her. I've been waiting for so long to do this with her again and finally I get to. The pressure is rising inside me and push her closer to me. My heartbeat grows faster at the anticipation. She doesn't look too pleased about doing this with me, but we are together and should enjoy each other.

"I don't think I'm ready, Dylan." She says as a last-minute attempt to persuade me into not doing it. I shake my head, "you are ready, honey. We've done this many times before. Let's start." I go to push myself in but stop when she protests again, "wait! I'm thirsty. Can I please have some water?"

She's stalling but I don't understand why. I get up with an irritated groan and grab a glass cup I keep on the night stand and go into the bathroom to the faucet. Her family is rich, so they have a purifier on the sink here too for midnight dry mouths. I clean the cup and fill it up for her. On my way out, I stop and look at a particular drawer. I never thought I'd have to use this, but it may be the time. If I want to get through to her, I need to play dirty.

I open the drawer and take out dissolvable pills. I put one into her drink and it turns into a powder, dissipating into the clear water. I mix it up a little and then go into the room and hand it to her, still irritated. She thanks me and takes a drink. I sit down next to her and try to climb on top again, but she takes another drink, slowly, to try to stall again. I wait for her to finish with crossed arms, then when she is done and puts the glass down, I smirk.

She gives me a weird face and I push her down, "Feeling okay?"

She looks around the room and then frowns, "Why am I getting dizzy?" She looks at me with fear in her eyes and I smirk, "you may just be tired, honey. Let our bodies together lull you to sleep." She starts to let her eyes close, but I can tell she is fighting it. "Don't... Don't take advantage of me like this..." She says in a small whisper. It almost makes me want to stop, but I don't have that type of control.

"Moan my name in your sleep, May." I say in her ear as she shuts her eyes for good. Now, I can take what is mine.


The next morning, she wakes up and seems confused. She's still undressed and I am sitting on the bed beside her, drinking coffee. "Morning, May." She looks over to me and a face of disgust forms. "How could you!?" She yells at me, remembering last night. I smirk and shrug at her, "I had to. You can't deny your mate's natural attraction toward you."

She gets off the bed and finds her clothes, putting them back on. I roll my eyes and get off the bed. I follow her outside of the room, but not before grabbing something. I follow her down to the basement where Ryland is kept and wonder what she is going to do. She peeks inside the room and then lets out a breath of air. "I didn't hurt him if that is what you are wondering." I tell her. She glances at me and then looks inside again with a hurt expression on herself.

I open the door and we both walk in to see the pile of trash in the middle of the room. Why is she still interested in this filth? Is it because she is still tied to him? Time to get rid of that. I call her attention over to me and she follows, running into my arms. She watches as Ryland lifts his head up and glares at me. Sympathy passes over his face as he looks at her. She moves away from me and takes a few steps to him. I can't let her get too close. I pull out the unmating serum that I should have let her throw in the first place, and then get ready to contaminate her with it.

"Maura, watch out!" Ryland yells at her and she moves away just in time as I throw it. She yelps in surprise and then looks at her hand, rubbing it. "Agh! I got something on my hand!" She rubs her wrist and then looks at Ryland, then at me. She blinks a few times and then looks back at Ryland. I think it finally worked. She feels nothing toward him now and can let him go!

"May, darling. Can I kill him now? You still don't feel pity for the man now, do you?" I ask her. She looks at me and then nods her head.

She takes my hand in hers and smiles, "Yes you can do as you wish to him. I felt like I knew him before but now I feel nothing towards him. It's so weird!" She exclaims and hugs me. Ryland looks confused at us and now I am too. Why isn't he crying in pain at losing his lover? Why isn't he feeling the deep, black hole in his heart like I did?

She rubs my body, my back and my butt and I pull her closer to me, smirking at Ryland. I turn us around and head out the door with her still on me. I close the door behind us and could have sworn I head a clink sound when the door shut, but she talks before I can say anything, "how about we try for that child? I'd love to have one with you!" She says in almost a sarcastic manner. I get confused when a screeching sound is made and then some stomping noises. "Or how about we never have a child? I'd prefer if I never see you again, liar."

She frowns at me and I take a step back from her, "what do you mean, honey?" She crosses her arms and I know that I am caught, "Fine. But I did all of this for us. I'm sorry." I know what I've done is wrong, but she belongs to me. Ryland is no longer in the picture for her. Wait- how does she remember or even know all of this?

"I suggest you get a running start. Ryland isn't going to be very happy with you." She says to me and I take another step back. "What do you mean by that?" I ask her, afraid. She frowns deeper when the door next to us opens. Ryland steps out of the room with his face downcast, but when he raises it I catch all of his emotions. At that moment, I knew I was a dead man walking.

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