"You should be dancing with other women." I whispered.

He shrugged as he pulled me to a stop in the middle of the dance floor. "I'd rather dance with you and save myself the headache of dealing with overzealous pursuits." He waggled his brows.

"Ew. I don't need details." The music started and with it, I found Phalen's arm around my waist and my hand, raised in his. He was an amazing dancer who knew just how to guide my steps so that we didn't trip over each other and he managed to not step on my clumsy feet, though I nearly stepped on his a few times. My eyes moved as I tried to watch the steps, only to realize that it made me dizzy, then up to our joined hands. It wasn't a complicated dance, but I found his hands helped him lead the direction we were to go. I could anticipate the movements more by watching our hands.

Yet, before long, my legs started to tremble from the exertion. I had sat most of the evening, but just the walk from the table to the floor and the small amount of dancing was enough to tire me out. Before I could ask, I found Emerson ready to lead me back and Liz there to take my place with the king.

"Thank you for the dance, Rose." He grinned.

"You're welcome, Your Majesty."

I tried, I really did try to make it back to our table before I collapsed, but I just couldn't do it. "Your Highness, I have to sit. Please."

He helped me to a seat next to a couple I had seen him talk to earlier. "Alpha Aiden, Luna Evelyn, may I introduce you to my new niece, I guess, Princess Rose." He paused. "That is gonna take some getting used to."

The couple smiled. "Your Highness. He surprised you too? Your brother sure does know how to pull out the big guns." Alpha Aiden laughed.

"Tell me about it." Emerson groaned. "But I'm not complaining. It was brilliant and perfect." He squeezed my shoulder. "Princess, this is Alpha Aiden and his mate Evelyn. Evelyn has been helping us get the clinic up and running."

"A clinic neither of you told me anything about." I pouted.

"You kept it from her?" Evelyn gasped.

Fingers scratched at the back of his auburn hair in discomfort. "We kind of had a lot going on."

Slowly the men stepped away slightly in their own conversation, leaving me with Evelyn. She reached a hand over to mine. "You know, you are very brave to be here tonight."

I shrugged. "The king is worried about me." My voice was soft as I nervously watched every male who moved around me.

"As is the prince." She added.

I nodded slightly. "He asked that I at least try. So, I'm trying."

"What do you think of all of this?"

I let out a breath and glanced around. We had stopped in the middle of the chaos. "It's overwhelming."

There was a sadness in her eyes, not one of judgement or pity, just sympathy. "I was one of his victims you know." I started to say something, but she cut me off and continued. "I'm not trying to make you feel worse or remind you of your past. Just know that if you ever want someone to talk to. You can always call me. Most people don't understand. Hell, I can't understand your pain. What happened to me was only a fragment of your's. But you can be honest with me." Her hand squeezed tighter.

I fought back the tears pricking at the back of my eyes. I refused to cry in front of everyone. I had no voice, no words for what it meant to know she didn't hate me, to know she was offering support. All I could do was nod.

"Your Highness." A male voice pulled us from our conversation. I looked up to see Alpha Zachary, the new alpha for Midnight Meadows pack. He had grown quite a bit since the last time I had seen him. He was a few years older than me, but I still saw him around the pack school when I served lunch, until he graduated and joined the pack warriors. After that, I lost track of him.

I gulped as I tried to wet my dry throat. I didn't really want to see everyone. "Alpha. Congratulations on your new title, Zachary."

He sighed and knelt down to address me at my level. He reached out a hand, but stopped when I flinched. "I'm sorry for everything you went through Rose."

Lost in the emotions of facing Zachary and the sensory overload of so many people around me, I nearly missed it.

A scent so old in my memory, I questioned if it was even real.

A wolf.

A male.

The scents of the forest mixed with burnt fur and sulfur.

My fingers clutching into the skirt of my dress, making tight fists that I was sure would tear the fabric. I turned my head every direction, searching. But I didn't know what I was searching for. I didn't know who I was searching for.

My heart picked up, creating thundering rhythms.

"Princess?" I vaguely heard the voices. "Rose?"

Warm hands wrapped around my face. "Rose, look at me." Emerson. I could see but I couldn't focus, or speak. My panic too high. He nodded. "I've got you, I'll get you out of here."

I pressed my head into his neck as he carried me back to the royal suites while I tried to get my breathing under control. Just the feel of him, his scent, knowing he would protect me, was enough to warm my freezing body, to help pull me out of the cold abyss of my panic.

Eventually, I felt the soft bed of my room as he laid me in the center of the bed and sat next to me. "Just breathe Rose bud." His fingers brushed a few stray strands of hair out of my face as a gasped in ragged breaths. "You're safe."

Minutes ticked by as I slowly climbed out, only to fall apart in the tears once again. Em stretched out across the bed as he rocked me as he had done many times before.

When my tears slowed, he pulled back and looked in my eyes. "What happened? I'll kill Zachary for whatever he said to set you off." He growled.

I shook my head. It wasn't Zachary.

How do I explain?

But when I moved my hand to wipe away my tears, I found there was something in it. I didn't remember being handed anything or taking a note of any kind. It was simply in my lap when my hands clenched. And as I was about to toss it to the side, I smelled it.

Male. Wolf. Forest. Burnt fur. Sulfur.

It was from him.

I opened the note.

"Be careful of your lying Prince. He murdered his last mate, and he will try to kill you before long. No better than the fool, Donnie boy turned out to be. But don't worry, I'll kill him for you. I'll have you again."

Shattered (Complete) #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now