"Ugh, damn it!" she cursed herself for not being more careful. She tried to bring herself down but her power was expended. "This is just perfect." She brought her right arm in front of her and pushed a button on her wrist that engaged her jetpack on her back, both items she had recovered before she had left the Castle. She glided up through the ship, back to where gravity was more normal. She switched off her jetpack and landed lightly on the floor, heading towards her room. She had failed to extend her limit and it had caused her to lose control.

As soon as Korrin reached her room, the entire ship lurched to the left, causing her to stumble. She didn't have to see what was outside to know that a Galra ship had found her. She had hoped this place was off the radar enough for them not to be able to find her even with her energy surges. How wrong she was. Without giving it a second thought, she rushed to where her pod was just as another blast hit the ship. Engaging her jetpack, she managed to get to her pod before another blast hit, rocking the entire ship. Quickly booting it up, she exited her occupancy just as a large purple beam tore through the abandoned ship, slicing it in half. Korrin frowned, everything she had gotten from the past few years was now gone. But there was no time to reminisce as the enemy ship pointed it's guns at her.

"This thing isn't really built for battle.." Korrin said to herself, examine the controls. "And I can't rely on the paladins to get me out of this one." She sighed, trying to figure out was to do. Guess it's time to see how fast this thing can go, my only option is to outrun them. She switched on the main thrusters and it zoomed forward, faster than she anticipated. She tried to maneuver, but it wasn't as easy on the handling as she would like. She was able to effectively dodge the attacks from the Galra ship as she flew past them.

"Ugh, I'm in open space! There's nowhere to lose them!" Korrin cursed, looking for anything she could use to her advantage. She kept an eye on her radar, noticing her enemies creeping closer. Two small Galran fighters were on either side of her, blocking any sideways escape routes. Her screen started beeping as it picked something up ahead of her. She nodded, "Perfect, I can lose them in that asteroid belt." Though it probably wasn't the smartest idea.

She tried to put as much distance between her and the enemy as possible before entering the field. She struggled to maneuver easily around the large floating rocks. Several times she came too close for comfort. Keeping her eye on the radar, she noticed the Galra ships had fallen back so she slowed her speed and carefully made her way to the open space. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed her grip on the controls. Just as she was about to completely exit the asteroid belt, a large rock hit the rear of the flight pod, sending it spinning out. Struggling against the rapid movement, Korrin fought to get the pod back under control. With a bit of trouble, she was able to halt the dizzying rotation. Exhaling sharply, she pulled up the schematic of the vehicle and notice that the thrusters were in pretty bad shape. Luckily they were still decently operational. But for how much longer, she didn't know.

"Guess I don't really have a choice at this point, do I?" She said to herself as she pulled up the GPS. She found the Castle of Lions saved to the drive and the coordinates popped up. "Time to go back..."


"Look, all I'm saying is that a kitchen that is trying to attack you is much scarier than a practice dummy that doesn't know when to quit," said Hunk, folding his arms.

"What! I could've died because that damn machine wouldn't shut down!" Keith argued.

Pidge sighed, exasperated. "Can we just stop this petty argument and agree that at least we didn't have to destroy our father's AI?"

The three of them looked over to where Allura stood at the teludav, talking to Coran.

"I'm alright, Coran, honest," the princess assured her friend for the thousandth time. "Now, we need--" Just then a beeping dot showed up on the screen, alerting everyone to an incoming vehicle. "What is that?" she asked aloud.

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