A soft chuckle came from him before he sipped on his espresso you brought over making a melting motion in his seat.

He's right though. Ever since I've opened this cafe on Floor 1 I had no reputation or respect from anyone in this city.
Floor 1 is ground level for the poor or people trying to survive like me. Floor 2 is where all the returants and people who can afford flying cars go. People who have built a reputation with society who are well known for their restaurants or store's move to that level.
Then there's Floor 3 where all the rich and greedy people live with all the 5 star restaurants and hotel's.

I've kept my cafe at Floor 1 because I don't believe that your reputation should be based on what Floor you're on. I want everyone to afford a coffee and in return smile in the delightment of the treat they get.
When Shawn came into the cafe he was the first famous customer to visit our little shop. Jedi now a days are like seeing a movie star. We all know about them but rarely see them since they are always traveling to different worlds and nebulas.
With Shawn's short blonde hair, light blue eyes, scruffy beard and slender tall figure he might as well be a movie star. People from all over started to come to our shop after he did. There's never been a slow day at work ever since.
Terin has always had a crush on Shawn when she started helping at the cafe. We've been best friend's since day 1 even if she has a bad temper twoards some rude customers and him. But with her ability to translate any language from different worlds she comes in handy at times.

"Angel? Hello? Earth to Angel?," asked Shawn snapping his finger in your face.

Blinking back to reality you smiled at him as he chuckled shaking his head sitting back down in his chair.

"I'm sorry Shawn", you spoke,"what were you saying?"

He smiled," I've decided to ask Terin out on a date tonight."

"No way!", you beamed,"that's awesome! Congratulations! It's about time you grew a set!"

"Hey!", he growled.

"I hope you two have a good time tonight! I'll have her leave early so that she can get ready for your date", you smiled looking over to her serving customers at the counter.

"Are you sure Angel?", he asked concerned,"that means that you get to close the shop alone."

Turning back to him you gave him a thumbs up,"I'll be fine. I still have my laser gun you gave me."

"It's not that I'm worried about you Angel," he spoke getting serious.

Oh, thanks prick.

"Earlier today we encountered a trespasser that attacked us Jedi. We followed him to this nebula but soon lost him in an asteroids debris. There's a very slim chance but he may of taken refuge here on planet Earth. I know you live out of town across Sand Worm Desert but I worry about you. You've been a good friend to me Angel, and I care about your well being and safety. Even though you are well capable of kicking my ass in hand to hand combat."

You stood up with a smile,"don't worry Shawn. I would like to see someone try to outrun my 74-Z bike or shoot her down. The only thing you should worry about is that firey little red head and her temper. I'll see you two tomorrow bright and early unless she kills you."

Shawn relaxed with a smile,"we will. I would hate to be the one to mess with you Angel. Please be safe."

You waved to him before going back to work for the day.


After locking up shop that night you drove your speed bike through town reaching the border to the desert.

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