Force Of Nature

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From nature I was created,
And so nature I must be.

Am I a hurricane?
Am I chaos and
Overwhelming pressure
With a moment of surreal peace
When you delve into my Eyes?
Do I loom in the distance
Before ripping apart
What was here and leaving room
For new beginnings?

Am I a tornado?
Are my eyes a hypnotic
And terrifying vortex,
And is my voice a deafening wind?
Do I come in a cloud
To disrupt your suspenseful calm,
Picking up everything you are
And depositing it in a new order?

Am I an earthquake?
Are my words the most
Thunderous thing
You've ever heard,
Do they echo to your soul?
Do I shift unseen below the surface
And scramble your thoughts,
And do you feel the aftershocks
Of my presence
Long after I am gone?

Am I a volcano?
Am I full of fire
That crashes down and covers you
And everything you were,
Cooling until it becomes
A solid foundation
On which to build your future?
Do I rumble and roar and
Obscure your sun with ash,
Even though I am only trying
To help you rebuild?

Why have I assumed
That I can only
Model myself
After another force of nature?
If I am as forceful
As a hurricane,
Or a tornado,
Or an earthquake,
Or a volcano,
Then who has said I cannot be
My own force of nature?
Oh, I am a force of nature.
I am beautiful
And awesome
And terrifying.
But I stand on the ground
Of nothing before me.
I am a force of nature.
I create myself.
And if you're lucky,
I just might create you too.

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