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People call me.
"You know so much! You must be a genius!"
"How didn't I think of that? God, you're a genius!"
What they forget,
Or maybe don't know,
Is how closely related
Intelligence is
To depression and
Bipolar disorder and
Autism and
Schizophrenia and
Suicidal tendencies.
What they forget,
Or maybe don't know,
Is how many other people
Who were called geniuses in their fields
Eventually killed themselves.
Because they couldn't exist
On the same plane as everyone else.
Because people tortured them
For being on a different plane.
Because the burden of knowing
And seeing
And feeling so much
I wish everyone would
Stop coveting this genius so much.
They see only the surface.
If they saw my mind,
They wouldn't want to be
As insightful as I am.

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