Life As I Know It

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I don't know if I tell you this enough...but god damn you are beautiful
So beautiful I'm trying to put it into words, but none would do you any justice. You aren't defined by just silly little words mashed together in silly little sentences. You are so much more
You are: the rough, strong, worked hands that roam my body. They caress every scar, mentally and physically reminding how lucky you are....tho I'm the lucky one
You are: a gentle smile and a warm, "hello gorgeous" every day that it is rough for me...even if your day was rougher
You are: my path on a crowded street, guiding me along into adventure and hope....never breaking stride
You are: those late nights awake, holding me in those strong, but safe arms, letting me cry...keeping me protected
You are: the dragon that is curled around my castle top, keeping the "princes" at bay...even though your my prince already protecting me
You are: the ground beneath which I walk. Keeping me steady and earth bound...reminding me to stay grounded and not get too ahead of myself
You are: sunny rays that break through the heavens and clear up the tears that were dropped from them...even if it takes you some time, you do it
You are: my whole entire world. The reason I breathe. Walk. Sleep. Eat. Talk. Everything I have came across in life; accomplishment, failure, heart break, loneliness, love, depression, all of it. It was to lead to you. To shed me of the old me and make me a brand new and better person
You are perfect...if to no one else, you are to me. Wherever life takes you I will be following my love...promise

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