SaTzu ❤ 8

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(Sana's Side)

The sun's bright rays woken the sleeping squirrel, yawning. Sana's eyes directly went wide after seeing herself naked as well as the girl she's currently hugging, gasped.

'OH MY GOD!!!' Her cheeks instantly burned and faced the other side while slowly patting her face to calm her crazy blushes down. 'We just had—OH MY GOD!!!'

Sana internally squealed. She was so happy about what happened last night, and tried to reminisce the event.

'Oh God- that was so unforgettable.' She bit her lower lip. 'Oh. My. God.'

That phrase became her favorite mantra.

Suddenly, she then felt hands sneaking over her tummy and a warm body was pressed behind her. Her blushes multiplied to the nth power after feeling two mounds on her bare back as she was pulled closer for a hug.

"Good morning, Sana."

A husky voice whispered behind her ear making her hair stand—probably making her horny again.

"G-G-G-" Sana stopped, she felt so stupid that she can't even say anything correctly. 'KYAAAAAAHH-! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME CHOU TZUYU!'

The girl behind her chuckled while caressing her tummy. "Are you okay, Sana?"

"Y-Y-Y-Y-" ...Oh my God...

The latter gave another light laugh, embarrassing herself again.

"Do you want another round?" Tzuyu kisses her neck. She can also feel the curve of smirk Tzuyu was emmiting.

In instinct, Sana jumped off the bed along with the bedsheet covering her body, her dishelved hair covering half of her reddish face. Tzuyu laughed at her while hugging a pillow.

"What are you doing, Sana. Lay back here." Tzuyu beckoned with a teasing grin. "I want to cuddle more."

"Shut up!" Sana puffed her red cheeks as she tightened her gripped on the mantle. "I'm going to cook breakfast!" She then ran towards the bathroom leaving the sheets by the door.

After locking inside, Sana held a hand over her chest as she felt her heart beating like crazy.

"Oh God. Get a grip Sana!" She whispered as she walked towards the shower. "She's obviously going to tease me today."

Turning the shower on, she was directly soaked and slowly wiped off the excess water away from her face. Her mind suddenly recalled the event resulting her lips curving into a smile.


While cooking breakfast—just a simple fried bacon and eggs—she kept glancing by the doorway hoping to see her fiancé.

After finishing, she set the table and hang the apron on the sides of the counter. Glad their hotel room is like a condominium-type—it has a kitchen. Plus, they bought groceries much to Sana's curiosity as to why and now she knows.

"Tzuyu-ah!" She called while getting some mugs to prepare some hot chocolate drink. "Breakfast is ready!"

As she was pouring the cocoa powder in, a pair of arms enveloped her tummy and she then felt a chin resting on her right shoulder.

"My Sana is really a wife material."

Then again her blushes came back, but this time her hands got afftected as well. Her hand started to shake while stirring the liquid.

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