Chapter 3

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Sabine's P.O.V

   "Earth to Sabine Wren. I repeat, Earth to Sabine Wren. Do you copy?"

I blinked a couple of times to see Ketsu cupping her hands around her mouth. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I must of fallen asleep.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Ketsu dropped her hands from her mouth and said, "You're getting off next."

   "Thanks for waking me up," I responded.

   "Hey," she began, punching my shoulder lightly, "What are friends for?"

   "Getting me into trouble," I answered.

   "Yep," she agreed. I rolled my eyes while gathering my things. The bus stopped and Ketsu slipped out of the seat to let me slide out.

   "Bye," I said to Ketsu. She responded with a 'bye' as I exited the bus. The doors closed and the bus drove off.

    I walked off to the front door of my house and entered. Chopper laid in the corner of the living room, snoozing in his makeshift bed made from a big basket's bottom and cushioned with old blankets.

   "Mom! I'm home!" I called, accidentally waking up Chopper.

   "Sorry," I apologized. Chopper growled a bit but probably thought I was just a waste of time before going back to sleep. I walked into the kitchen where mom would usually be. The kitchen was empty. I spotted a note laying on the top of the kitchen counter.

   It read:

   Be back in a little bit. Get your homework done and as soon as I get home, we're going out.


   I threw the note away and immediately got started on my homework. I pulled out the geometry worksheet and sighed in annoyance.

   This should be fun.

Ezra's P.O.V

"I'm home!" I called out and walked into the living room to find it...clean? Again? The air smelled good as well and dad wasn't sulking on the couch. In fact, he was in the kitchen washing dishes. I set my bag down and stared at him in confusion.

He looked up and smiled.

"Hey, Ezra. How was school?" He asked. I was completely speechless from the shock of seeing dad acting like this. Not that it was a bad thing but it's just really...amazing.

"Um...fine," I answered, weirded out.

"Good," He quipped, "How about you do your homework and later we're going out." I nodded slowly before walking off to my room and watching dad carefully as though not believing what I saw was true.

Everyday when coming home, dad would make it so the whole living room was dark. He would sulk on the couch with beer bottles laying out all over the floor. Sometimes, I would come home to see him crying, yelling, or just muttering to himself in a slurred tone.

Yet, lately that has changed over the passed month. I wasn't sure what happened to make him stop that habit but was very happy to see him improving. See him change over the years. See him at peace with himself. Relief swelled in my chest at the very thought.

   I walked into my bedroom and laid on the bed, starting to do my homework. The English homework really stumped me and decided to wait until tomorrow for some help on it.

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