:Premonitions Pt. 1:

Start from the beginning

"Stiles called me saying that he is in a industrial basement somewhere." Scott began to explain. 

Issac pushed off the door and stood by Scott, "That's why we came here to get his scent."

"What else did he say?" I asked as I grew worried for the boy I love. 

Scott gave me a sad look, "Something's wrong with his leg. It's bleeding."

"And he is freezing." Issac added. 

Aiden let out a worried scoff as he looked at everyone, "Tonight is the coldest night of the year. It's going to drop in the twenties."

"Okay then Scott and Issac. You guys need to go and look for him. If something happens to him," My voice started cracking and my cheeks warmed up, "I don't know what I will do."

"Hey," Scott whispered as he placed his hand on my shoulder, "It's not your fault, okay?"He reassured me and I wasn't surprise that he knew what I was thinking.

I looked up at my friend and gave a small nod, "Okay."

"Did you guys call his dad?" Lydia asked as she hugged her arms around herself. 

Scott grew nervous, "Um, no he told me not to."

"What?!" Both Lydia and I shouted. 

He slightly backed up from us and started rambling, "I, uh, we can find him by scent."

"We don't have time for that!" I shouted at him as I walked over to take a seat on the end of the bed. 

"Well you promised him and I didn't." Lydia stated as she took her phone out ready to dial. 

Scott placed his hand on hers to stop her, "You don't need to. The station is ten minutes from here." 

We all agreed to let Scott and Issac head over to the station. While Lydia, Aiden, and I stayed behind. Lydia's eyes scanned the photos on the walls. I decided to grab my pair of blue converse and slipped them on my feet. I noticed Stiles's red hoodie discarded on his computer chair. My body moved towards it as I finally gripped it in my fingers. I brought the material towards me as I buried my face into it. Fresh tears started running down as his scent hit my nostrils. Then a image flashed past my eyes. It was an image of Stiles laying on a dirt covered floor. He looked terrified out of his mind. He was screaming for help as he tried to move back. It seemed like he was attached to something. His right leg was stretched out in front of him not daring to move it. The area looked somewhat familiar. Once I looked up at Lydia and Aiden the image was gone. I was confused by what just happened. Nothing like that has happened to me before. One thing I knew was that I needed to go and find him. I slipped his hoodie onto my body and zipped it up. Finally I disappeared out of his home without Lydia and Aiden noticing. I just silently prayed that Stiles will hold on until I reach him. 


My feet moved against the paved road. The night was dark and it was freezing. The ache in my shoulder disappeared. The ache was now in my feet but I didn't care. I was surrounded by trees and sounds of the night. My head snapped to my left and I just had a feeling he was close. I was about to step into the woods but then a car came to a halt. Two bodies came out of the black car. I was surprised to see Mr. McCall and Melissa. 

"Y/N? What are you doing out here?" Melissa asked as she rushed over towards me. 

I quickly wrapped my arms around her small frame and my body relaxed at her warmth, "I had this feeling that Stiles is here."

"Over here!" Mr. McCall shouted from the side lines and then took off running towards the coyote den. 

Melissa and I took off after him and then my ears were flooded by the screams of Stiles. 

"No! Wait! Please!" His screaming continued as he was pulled from the den. His body was shivering and his once pink lips were slightly blue. There were dark circles under his eyes. 

"Stiles baby! Look at me!" I rush over and dropped onto my knees in front of him. 

He snapped out of his state and his eyes moved up to look at my face, "Y/N?" 

"Yes, it's me." I started to cry as I took him from Mr. McCall and pulled him into my chest. 

His arms wrapped themselves around my body and I flinched by how cold he was. Broken sobs escaped him as he continued to cry into my chest. I kept him close to my body as I looked up at Melissa who was looking at me with a questioning look. I knew she was wondering about the same thing. How did I know he was here? How did I see him?

"Please." I whispered as I leaned over and grabbed her hand, "Please don't tell anyone."

She stared long and hard but then relaxed once she saw Stiles relax in my arms. She gave me a small nod and then helped us up. Mr. McCall took Stiles from me and placed him in the back of the car and we drove off towards the hospital.


Mr.  Stilinski finally walked out of his son's room leaving us alone. We were both lying on the stiff hospital bed. Stiles hoodie was still wrapped around my body. I had Stiles's body close to mine as I played with his hair. I knew he was still awake since his hand would caress my spine. He tilted his head up to look at me while giving me a sad look. 

Fresh tears started to pour down for the broken boy in my arms, "I'm sorry that I let this happen. I'm so sorry."

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here now with you." He whispered as he placed a kiss to my cheek and then started to moved down the side of my neck but then stopped. His hand reached up to pull the collar of the hoodie to the side, "Is this blood?"

My hand shot up to pull his away not wanting for him to see, "No it's probably nothing. I was sitting in the mud when we found you so maybe it's that."

He looked at me unsure whether to believe but then decided not to argue, "Okay."

I placed a kiss on the tip of his nose and started to move off the bed. 

Stiles's hand reached out to grab mine, "Where are you going?" His voice held a panicked tone.

"I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be right back, okay?" I reassured him as my feet hit the cold floor. 

He nodded softly as he hugged the blanket that was wrapped around him closer to his body. I walked into the bathroom while switching that light on. It quickly illuminated the room and I pushed myself towards the bathroom mirror. My hand reached up to unzip the hoodie and pushed it off. Blood was spread from my shoulder down towards the bottom of the shirt. There was a hole where the scissors previously where. I was surprised by the fact that I didn't feel anything. I reached for the hem of my shirt and pulled it off my body. The sight that greeted me made me gasp. The once hole that was on my shoulder was gone and completely healed. My fingers caressed the area not believing that it was gone. I asked myself...what the hell am I?  

~Written on March 11, 2018 ~

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