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Sinb continued to stand there, just dazing into Jungkook's eyes as a small smile starts to form on his face.

Jungkook: "See what I mean? You do care... I know you better than you think" he was almost whispering at this point. Sinb continued to stand there in silence, not sure what she wants to say... or do next.
Jungkook: "I know you feel the same way about me..." he started to move in closer to her face.
Sinb: "See, that's where you're wrong" her words froze him. "I don't" she clarified it with him.

Jungkook slowly pulls his face away from hers, his hands still wrapped around her arms, holding her in place in front of him.

Sinb: "You're right. I did like you... for a long time too, actually. But the day I left Big Hit... the same day I realized your heart belonged to someone else... that was the day I told myself to just forget you..." her words pierced his heart, for he was hearing this for the first time all along.

Sinb: "After all, what's the point of liking someone when they can't even see you, right?" she lightly chuckled. Jungkook's hands gripped onto her shoulders a little harder as he continued to listen to her.

Jungkook: "How come you never told me how you felt at the time?"
Sinb: "Had I told you, would you have felt the same way about me?? Me, a girl you treated no more than a friend-- no, an acquaintance" she broke him.
Jungkook: "That's not fair, you can't speak for me"
Sinb: "And now you can't speak for me..." she rebutted.

Without saying much further, Sinb gently broke out of Jungkook's hands that were wrapped around her arms and made way back to the camp.

Yugyeom: "I wonder what they're talking about right now" he picked at the fire pit.
Dahyun: "Nothing that's our business" she rolled her eyes at him.
Yugyeom: "Oh c'mon, you're dying to know too" he side eyed her.
Eunseo: "She's back" she pointed out Sinb who was walking towards them.
Dahyun: "I can't tell if she's happy or sad... or mad even" she wondered.
Yugyeom: "Thought it was none of OUR business??" he side eyed her again.
Dahyun: "It's not... But you know... as her friend, I think I have a right to know" she grinned.
Yugyeom: "I dare you to ask her"
Dahyun: "And I dare YOU to--"
Jaehyun: "Guys, let's not do this right now" he interrupted.

Sinb: "Sorry, it took me a while" she said as she squat down next to Hanbin.
Hanbin: "You alright?" he asked her.
Sinb: "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she smiled as she gently poured the water on his wound.
Hanbin: "You have something on your face" he pointed to her cheek.
Sinb: "Eoh?" she attempted to touch her face. Just as she reaches her left cheek, the ointment she had forgotten on her finger spreads closely to her eye, making her flinch a little.
Hanbin: "Are you okay?" he asked as her eye starts to swell.
Sinb: "It's burning a bit" she tried to keep it closed.

Dahyun: "I'll grab you some more water" she took the bucket from Sinb's side and ran.
Yugyeom: "I'll come with" he ran after her.
Dahyun: "So annoying" she mumbled under breath as he snatched the bucket from her hands, racing ahead of her.

Hanbin: "Sorry, I shouldn't have told you" he felt bad.
Sinb: "Trust me, tonight cannot get any better than this" she sarcastically stated.
Hanbin: "That bad, huh?" he chuckled. "Here, let me get it for you" he lowered her hands away from her face.

Hanbin's hand gently wipes away the ash marks on Sinb's cheek. As he is taking care of her, Jungkook comes and sees just as he is returning from the creek earlier.

Sohyun: "Where did you go? I was worried" she linked her arm in his as he continued to just stare at Hanbin and Sinb from the side. "She's such a two-timer, ain't she? I mean one minute she's with you and then the next, she's with Hanbin... Can you believe such people exist?" she spoke ill of Sinb.
Jungkook: "You would know, right?" he finally said before walking away from her. Confused, Sohyun followed for clarification only to be ignored and zipped out from Jungkook's tent.

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