Part 8

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W-what's there to say I was beat" "ok I get that but what did you do after" "I went back to my room" "What did you do in your room" "I-I slept" "You cut didn't you" "W-What" "Why ITS NOT WORTH IT" "how do you know" "BECAUSE I'VE DONE IT HELPS FOR A LITTLE BIT AND THEN IT GOES AWAY" "YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT  IT HELPS BECAUSE IT'S THE ONLY PAIN I CAN DO TO MYSELF THE REST ARE THINGS THAT I NEVER WANT TO HAPPEN TO ME AGAIN I DO IT BECAUSE I'M WORTHLESS" As soon as I said the last two words his face seemed to seemed to calm down a little "Why do you think your worthless" "BECAUSE ITS WHAT IM TOLD DAY IN AND OUT THAT I'M A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT THAT DOESN'T DESERVE ANY KIND OF LOVE" he started to move closer to me till he was hugging me I just started to sob in his arms "But Aacha I Love You.

————————————————————————-I'm sorry for the short update like super short but a lot will be happening in the next chapter and I might not be able to update tomorrow I'm sorry

Word count-207 words

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