Part 4

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We went inside and he lead me to the couch "Wh-where are your parents" "That's part of my story so tell me yours" (Be prepared for a lot of reading) "Ok it all started really when I was about 10 my mom died from a car crash my sister had died from suicide about 2 years earlier so it really took a toll on my dad so he got his anger out on me it got really bad when I was 13 he started to t-to" I had to stop for a second to control my breathing I was already crying cant break down now "He started to r-rape me I was already being bullied at school so that only made it worse I started to cut 3 years ago I still have to live with him though so ya that's my story" I started to wipe away the tears but they just kept coming Yoongi pulled me into a hug and started to rub my head to calm me down which worked "s-so what's your story" "It's mostly the same but I don't have any sibling and my dad does well used to hurt me but he died a year ago and my mom died in a car crash when I was 7" he kept me in the hug for a while till I was calm again "Do you want some noodles for dinner" I looked up at the clock to see that it was 6:35 "M-My dad's going to be so mad i'm supposed to be home at 5:00" "Just stay here tonight ok I don't want you to get hurt" "I guess" "Ok i'll go make dinner" I got off his lap and laid on the couch since I was tired but I didn't go to sleep he popped his head around the door frame "The noddles are ready" "ok" I got up and went to the kitchen and ate "w-what am I suposed to sleep in" "i'll get you a T and shorts" "ok thank you for letting me stay the night" "no problem I'll go get the clouths for you now" he left and I went back to the living room and waited he eventually came back with a T and boxers "I couldn't find shorts so I just got you these are they ok"

Word count-418 words

The light at the endTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon