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I wake with a jolt, shooting upwards, and something hard smashes into my head - making a grunting sound and falling over. 

"Ouch!" I turn, rubbing my forehead.

I see Newt - frowning, fubbing his head, but smiling all the same.

"Oh gosh," I sit up, "I'm so sorry, Newt!"

He laughs, but he puts his hand on my arm, looking concerned. "It's okay. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine thank you. Why?"

"You were crying..." I stand up, running a hand through my tangled hair.

"I was?"

He takes my hand, "Do you remember what you were dreaming?"

I shake my head cautiously, only fragments coming to me, not remembering everything.

He sighs but shrugs it off.

"Wait..." I look up at him, "I remember a girl, and she was taken? I think. By someone - an organisation. They killed her sister."

"I'm sure it was just a dream-" He starts but I look at him and he frowns, "What?"

"Newt, I know it wasn't a dream..." I try to calm down, hoping he won't tell the others.

"My name, It's not Lila."

He steps back and let's go of my hand.

"It's Julia. I said it was Lila, because that was my nickname, before all this..."

"How do you know?" He gazed at me with wonder.

"I don't know. All I remember is a boy, he was my friend... But I don't remember what he looks like apert from deep brown eyes and black hair, he was young in the memory. His name was Toby."

He sighs and takes my hand again, frowning. He rubs small circles around my hand with his thumb.

"We don't tell anyone this. I'll talk to Alby, until then, no one can know."

I nod and he smiles, forgetting it all in a breath of relief.

"Come on, the runners are leaving." He smiles and runs off with my hand in his.

"Ah-ah okay."

We run from the hammocks to the edge of the wall, where Minho and a boy named Ben were getting ready to leave.

Minho nodded to me and Newt in acnowledgement, and lent down to tie his laces. Ben puts his hands on his hips and smiles at me.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

I look to Newt, and he's just grinning at the floor and shakes his head, and I turn back to Ben smiling. "Fine thank you."

"What section today?" Newt asks as Minho stands. He looks at me weirdly, then realises I probably have no idea what he's going on about - hes right - and faces Newt.


And as if on cue, the walls open. Minho hops on the spot and Ben smiles at us. Minh looks at me, and his dark brown eyes glint in the sunlight and his black hair wafts in the breeze, and we give eachother the same look we gave in the Homestead, but he just winks and shouts "LETS GO!" and they both run off.

We watch as they run away and turn right and disappear then Newt turns to me and shrugs.

"Gonna be a long day Greenie, let's get going!"

"Sure thing Newty." He smiles and rolls his eyes before throwing an arm over my shoulder and walking to where we came from.


"How come you get one of these then?" I sigh wandering in circles in his hut.

"Well all the Keepers get huts and the builders are working in some bigger ones for the others to share... They would be done if Gally actually stopped moping around about you arriving and did something."

I laugh and perch on his bed, he comes to the end and opens a chest.

"Here," he hands me a towel. "You can use my shower, I'm guessing you don't wanna share with like ten boys."

We laugh and I take the offer - getting washed and dressed in a couple of minutes.

"Thanks Newt." He smiles and goes to take a shower.

I sit on his bed and I look on his bedside table. A book, a candle and a necklace.

I frown and pick them up, I can't resist being intrigued by this boy. The candle I just leave on the side. The book has worn down pages and a cover, leather and dark brown. I flick through the pages, and realise it's a diary and I slam it closed, not wanting to be intrusive.

I hold the necklace in my palm and look at it closer.

It's a small metal tube and has a thin brown strap. The tube looks like it opens and I reach to fiddle with it.

The door creaks beside me and I hurriedly put it back where I found it.

I turn and see Newt wearing dark brown trousers and his wet blonde hair falling in his eyes. My eyes automatically roam his body, astoished at the body he hides beneath the shirt. I feel heat rise to my cheeks as he lopsidedly grins at me staring him down.

"Sorry, just forgot my shirt." He looks to beside me where a green shirt lays and I toss it to him and he thanks me before closing the door again.

Moments after, we're walking out of his hut towards the garden, I walk slower than usual and observe him curiously.

Something seems off, his limp seems worse that it was yesterday.

We walk across the fields and to the vines, joining a couple boys who either give me inviting smiles or hard stares - Gally's friends i'm guessing - the ones he's riled up against me. I turn to Newt for reassurance, but he's not looking at me - he's rubbing his wrist, over a thick leather band. I frown and walk closer about to ask him but he drops it and smiles, picing up a shovel and tossing it to me.

I catch it and he tells me what I need to do - I smile in return and start to dig.

We work throughout the day, stopping briefly for lunch, and all day I can't help but wonder:

There was a small knife in his bathroom chest, along with bandages and alcohol. I really hope the thing I need to save him from isn't himself.

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