Chapter 16: Found Tonight

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"Shh, don't wake her, she needs rest." A voice whispers, yet I do not open my eyes. I fight off a laugh as the words grow louder, despite their attempts to stay quiet.

"All of you, out. Let the girl sleep, she needs it. She had quite a shock yesterday." Eliza says firmly and the sound of muffled footsteps retreating is all I can hear. "That means you, too, Phillip."

"Can't I stay with you, Ma?" He asks softly.

"No, you can't. Go find your father, or talk to one of the other men here. You always seem to be around Annette, aren't you?" Even though my eyes are closed, I imagine Eliza smirking and Phillip blushing. 

"No, I'm not." Phillip says defensively, like a child who was caught disobeying his parents. I keep my eyes closed.

"Then why do you want to stay by here bedside?" Eliza counters.

"Because I like her company more than father and his friend's." 

"Alright, I'll give you that one. But you still need to leave, you're going to wake her. Out, go on." Eliza shoos him out and he groans, but obeys. Once I'm sure he's gone, I open my eyes. Eliza smiles.

"Hey, Eliza." I say, my voice scratchy from sleep.

"You're finally awake," She says, relieved.

"What do you mean? What time is it?" I sit upright, my blanket falling at my waist. 

"According to those numbers over there--that is a clock, right?--it is 9:38. We didn't want to wake you because you needed rest, you got quite a shock when we arrived, you needed some peace." 

"Thank you, but you should have woke me. How long have you been awake?" I swing my legs over the side of the bed and yawn. 

"Not long," She says. "We should get ready for the day to come." 

"Okay." I say, standing. Eliza stands swiftly, bows her head, and exits the room silently. 

* * * *

"Hello, people." I say, giving my morning greeting. 

"Good morning, Nattie." Phillip nods.

"They both have nicknames for each other. They've known each other for, what is it, a day?" Lafayette whispers to Laurens, almost discreetly. Key word: Almost.

"Oh, don't bother, it's probably nothing." Laurens whispers in response. I roll my eyes.

"You know I can hear you, right?" I snap. I am not a morning person, and they are getting on my nerves.

"Sorry, Ms. Annette." Laurens says softly. 

"It's fine. I don't normally eat breakfast, but I think there are some Pop-Tarts in the kitchen." I begin to make my way into the kitchen and rummage through the cabbinets. "Here we go." 

"Do you have to go into work today?" Phillip asks, wearily taking a bit of Pop-Tart out of the plastic wrapping.

"Yeah, but some of you will come with me." I say, leaning against the counter.

"Can I? I like coming to the dinner with you." Phillip says shyly.

"Yeah, I was hoping you would. You are one of the only ones I somewhat trust." I shrug.

"Who else?"

"Laurens, probably. Eliza too. I'm not sure yet." I say, closing my eyes for a moment. I had a restless sleep last night, I kept waking up for no reason. 

"Tired?" Phillip asks, finishing off his Pop-Tart.

"Yes, very much so." I mumble, opening my eyes slowly. "But we have to get going, I have to be at the dinner by ten." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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