Chapter 7: Impossible Becomes Possible

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** Happy late birthday, Alexander! 261 and counting! **

**Edit: I forgot to add a title when I wrote this, I just had to add a title**

Darius' hand twitches, and he tries to stand, but his legs seem to not cooperate. 

"Darius? Are you alright?" I ask timidly, fearing his reaction. Though I cannot fathom which is worse: a loud, harsh response or no response at all. 

"I... So you're telling me you have time travelers in your house? Right now?" Darius says slowly, as if hes having trouble comprehending the situation. I don't blame him, if I hadn't seen Alexander laying in my bedroom or Lafayette in the bathtub, I wouldn't believe it either. 

"Yes, Darius. These are real time travelers, and everyone's already introduced themselves." I begin to fumble with my hands. My head still throbs slightly, I must have hit my head when I collapsed. 

"Do you believe us, Sir?" George asks nervously, showing more fear than he normally would. the General holds his hat tightly in his hands, his knuckles turning a pale white. 

"I mean, I believe Anne, but it's... weird, you know? Y'all say you're time travelers, but time travel is impossible." Darius pauses, inhaling and exhaling deeply. 

"In order to believe this, you have to believe in the impossible." I say, looking Darius straight in the eye. I can almost see the wheels turning in his mind, mulling my words over and over, trying to figure out what to say. 

"Okay," Darius says after what seems like an eternity. "I'll believe in the impossible."  

"Yes!" Phillip shouts, earning a glare from Eliza and a slight smile from Alexander. George smiles and I laugh, mostly at Phillip's bright red face. I've never seen a person turn that shade of crimson before. 

"But let me clear this up: y'all are back from the dead, right?" Darius asks, flinching at the word 'dead' as if it caused him slight pain. 

"It would seem so," Jefferson says coolly, glaring at Jerry-Lee, who rubs against his leg playfully. 

"So... Is it going to be like, 'Yes, they're back!' or Pet Cemetery?" A small smile flickers on Darius' lips, and I playfully slap his arm. Phillip glances at me nervously, probably wondering what Pet Cemetery is. 

"I haven't figured that much out, some it's good, others..." I glance over at Alexander, then Jefferson. "Others I'm surprised haven't killed each other."

Darius laughs, and so do I. Phillip chuckles, though I'm not sure why. He continues to look at me in a way that I cannot describe. 

What is going on? I ask myself. why is he looking at me like that? 

Ask him, My subconscious suggests. 

Ask him? That's absurd, he'll think I'm mad. I counter. 

Why do you care what he thinks? My subconscious say, as if taunting me. 

I... I don't know. I finally admit defeat. But I'm still not asking him.


My mind seems to tune back into reality by a light tapping on my arm. It's Phillip. 

"Miss. Annette? Miss. Annette, are you alright?" Phillip asks worriedly, his eyes darting across my face, searching and scanning for some kind of sign. A sign of what, I do not know. 

"Oh, I'm fine. I was just thinking." I say, gently brushing his hand off. But as soon as I do, I regret it. Why do I feel a longing when he removes his hand? It seems that just a moment without his touch causes pain. 

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