Was that really necessary?

14 0 0

"Did you have to hit me with a corpse's leg? Was that really necessary?"

"Necessary, no. Hilarious, yes."

"Johnathon," A tall man, who looked to be in his early twenties, hissed "If you can't take this job seriously then I don't think you should come along with me to work anymore." The mans tone was hushed, barely over a whisper; and in all honestly, he looked exasperated. 

"But Alex, it's so much fun! Plus...you know you love me." Johnathon smiled at Alex, still holding the corpse's leg in one hand. Though to be fair, it didn't look as weird considering the fact that they were standing in the middle of a morgue.

"Do I have a choice in that matter?"

"Nope! I'm your brother and you're forced to love me- and that's that!" If possible, Johnathon's smile widened while he, quite literally, jumped onto his brother. Wrapping his arms around the other tightly without even having the decency to put down the the bloody leg.

"Oh. My. God. I will actually kill you,"

"Not if I kill you first!"

"...You sounded way to cheery while saying that, John..."

"I wonder if I can pose as you after your death, I mean, being twins does have its perks. Doesn't it?" Alexander gasped at his brothers words, his eyes now wide enough that John was willing to bet money they might fall out. I mean sure, occasionally they would plan stunts and need the other to cover for them but that thought process was way to dark and the times way way to late. And this is Alex we're talking about here, that surely says something. "Johnathon Haniel Mercer, you stop that train of thought right there!"

"Fine...can I at least keep the leg?"

"The hells no!"

"You never let me have any fun..."

"Oh, really?! Okay, let's talk about your version of fun..."

If someone were to have walked into the morgue that night, they would have saw to identical twins bickering next to a butchered corpse. One of them waving the poor victims leg around while the other one looked like he was going to loose his sanity at any moment and add another dead body to the slabs along with the many others.

A/N:  I'm sorry, I saw this prompt while searching THE INTER-WEBS ~dramatic music plays in le background while posing a very dramatic pose~  okay, okay, sowwy. But seriously though, as soon as I saw this prompt I just  k n e w  that I needed to write a short story with it while using my most...memorable? No, more like insane, characters that i've created over the ye- oh who I'm I kidding...over the months (._. )

Anywho, good day/night my babies!

Thoughts and Opinions With Cookies and MilkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora