Horror movie rants

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Don't you just love it how in scary movies the victim always yells out 


 As if the killer is going to be like

"Yeah I'm in the kitchen, want a sandwich?! By the way, you have great knives in here for murdering!"

. . .

Though I'll admit, that would be a hilarious twist in a book. Perhaps a prank between siblings or good friends, or maybe just a practical joke on a poor stranger...


that would be hysterical...

Actually, you know what, I dare somebody to use this as a writing prompt in a short story. Like, please...I need to see this go down somewhere. I need someone to write this whizz down and send it to me somehow. HeCk, I'll maybe even use it too for a short story!


S O M E B O D Y     D O     T H I S

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