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I sat waiting for tony to be release from the recovery room. It took him longer to recover. Mainly because the way his equipment. He fractured two ribs and dum-e dropped something on him by accident.

As I waited I saw Coulson walk over to me and take a seat.

"Phil I want to talk to you about something."

"I figured you'd come around sometime."

"Where did you really my ring from?"

Phil looked down," your friend was here. He was here up till you woke up."

"Where did he go?"

"Exploring. He told me that he thought it would be better if he wasn't here. Just because of all that happened."

"All that happened. Phil he's my best friend. I wanted him standing next to me as Tony and I said our vows."

"That's a sweet gesture Captain but you need to realize the real reason he left."

"Why's that?"

"James loves you Steve. The man you grew up with. The man you stood side by side with on the front lines if World War 2. James... he loves you. He's happy for you because you found someone but your never going to forget your first."

Before I could answer the doctors helped tony into the hall way. I got up and walked over to them.

"Doctor how is he?"

"Captain he's fine. He needs plenty of rest and to take his medication on time. Other than that he's all clear and ready to go home."

"Thank you doctor," we shook hands," thank you for everything."

"Take care Captain. I'll see you in a month and congratulations on your engagement."

"Thanks doc."

The doctor smiled then left back into the room. When I turned to start leaving I noticed Coulson had left.

"Steve I'm sorry."

I stopped walking to look at him, "sorry for what? you didn't know. It should be I who is apologizing to you."

"I'm sorry I put you in this situation. I thought you were having an affair and I... I thought you were unfaithful and I'm sorry. I should of trusted you"

"Tony, I don't blame you so don't go telling yourself I do. And as for unfaithful, never, your the first and only guy I've been with since I woke up. I'm never going to leave you."

He walked to me and placed his face in my chest," yes."

I wrapped my arms around him," yes? you mean?"

"A million times yes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Steve. What ever life I have left. I want it to be with you."

I picked up tony and kissed him.


I quickly set him back down and we laughed.

"Come on lets get you home tony"

He looked down the long hallway then back at me,"carry me?"

I laughed a little,"of course," I picked him up. I had one hand on his back and the other under his legs. When I started walking he had placed his head on my chest.

"Let's go home tony."

I started walking then looked down to see him with his eyes closed and smiling.


The elevator doors opened and I carried what I thought to be a now sleeping Tony into the living space of stark tower.

"I can't wait to do that for real."

"Tony... I thought you were-"

He interrupted me," asleep... no. I was pretending because I was listening to your heart beat."

I smiled," and?"

"It's soothing to me."

I leaned down and kissed the top of his head before making my way to our room.


He looked up at me," what is it steve?"

"I'm glad you said yes."

"Me too Steve. Me too," he leaned his head back on my chest.

I walked into the room and placed him on the bed before getting into my sweats and joining him.

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