Introducing bucky

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It's been awhile and Bucky's been staying at the apartment fury gave to me, well lets me stay in. It's close to home and, surprisingly, Fury doesn't really know about me and tony.


"How you hanging in there Bucky?"


Bucky sat on the couch after placing his plate in the sink.

"Are you sure you had enough?"


Bucky's tone was different that time so I set my stuff down and went and sat next to him.

"What's wrong buck? you've been real quite since you got back."

"I'm just... Do you think... I'm afraid I won't be able to remember you. I get bits and pieces... but that's not the same."

"Nothing compares to the real thing."


"What are the other bits and pieces. Let me see if I can fill in the blanks."

We both repositioned ourselves so we were facing each other.

"The last thing I remember is... I'm not quite sure really but we were walking with several soldiers. I was next to you and there's more but it's fuzzy still."

"Well," I smiled, "it was the first time j had seen you in months and when the general told me that you were reported KIA. Well..." I smiled again because Bucky's cheeks started to get red, "that night you and I made love. It was different than it had been so many times before and I was rather worried that you wouldn't like me like this."

"Not like you?"

"You used to come to my aid every damn day because I'd start a fight or end up in one. The last fight you saved me from, if I remember correctly, was the day before you shipped out."

"I don't remember," Bucky leaned his head down, "I'm sorry."

I placed my hand and raised his head, "Don't you forget that I'm with you till the end of the line, pal." He smiled.

"Did you mean what you said in the smithsonian?"

"About me breaking down? well I kind of did. I spent that night in the same bar we did before we set of as Captain America and the howoling commandos. When I went back there I found a small radio and a bottle of booze with a shot glass and just sat there. Not my best plan. I could of drinking the bar dry and still not get drunk."

The two of us laughed.

"What happened after?"

"Peggy came in and talked to me then we went on a full scale attack. I saved the world, or at least that's what they tell me, but I lost everything... Everyone that mattered." I looked away from him then felt the seat lower and his hand on my shoulder.

"I was even going to go on that date with Peggy before everything changed," I let out a hesitant laugh," sorry I know you don't want to hear that," I turned to face him and was caught off guard with a kiss.

Bucky quickly got up and took a few steps away from the couch," i'm sorry," he turned so his back was facing me, "you looked so happy talking about that time. I just... I don't know."

I got up and walked over to Bucky and wrapped my arms around him, "its alright," I squeezed Bucky tight.


Bucky put his arm underneath Steve's shoulder to help support his friend. Then they made it out of the ally and over to there place.
Once there Bucky plopped Steve into a chair at the kitchen table and went and got his first aid kit from the cabinet.

"What am I going to do with you when I'm gone?"

"You know I want to come with you Bucky."

Bucky sat down In front of Steve.

"Now don't move"

Bucky went to patching up his friend. When they were done Bucky made soup for Steve. It had been raining and Bucky knew he had to get Steve warm some how. A nasty cold before he shipped out would not be good.
Bucky sat the bowl of soup in front of his friend then went back to get his. When he turned around he saw Steve start to sway water coming out of his nose and mouth then fall to the floor. Bucky immediately went to the aid of his friend and began CPR. Steve could feel Bucky's gentle lips touch his and then air rushing into him.
Bucky laid Steve on his side. It didn't take long for Steve to cough up the rest of the water and when he sat up Bucky kissed him. This time it wasn't from mouth to mouth, it was a real kiss. Steve place a hand on his friends chest and pushed him away.

" don't, they'll see us."

"You know how long I've waited to do that."

Bucky leaned in and kissed his friend once more. This time Steve didn't fight it. This time he place a hand on his friends face and kissed him back.

"I know how long you've waited because I've been waiting too."


"did it help you remember anything?"

"I think so."

I let got of Bucky to let him turn around.

"I brought you home to get you patched up. When I was..."

I could see the frustration in his eyes.

"Go on."

"I think I was making us dinner when I noticed you stopped breathing. I gave you mouth to mouth..." he walked away from me then turned and said, "I told you how I felt about you and it was our first kiss."

He smiled at me then faced the ground.

"How do you put up with me even after everything I did? you must of moved on..."

I looked away from him.

"You did move on. Good for you."

I looked back at him before going and sitting on the couch, "he's a great guy. he reminds me a lot of you."

"I'd like to meet him someday."

"Let's get you cleaned up and I'll take you today if you like. I'm sure Tony's going to have a conniption about me being gone for so long."


"Well it's Anthony Stark."

"Stark? I know that name... where do I know that name from?"

"Howard stark... the weapons guy from our day. He had a son."


"I know. Hey you ready to go?"

I got up and grabbed my wallet then we left.


"Just like you to get one of the Classics."

I laughed as he repositioned his arms around my waist.

"So where are we going?"

"The mall to cut your hair?"


"It's just a place with a lot of stores that sell stuff."


We stopped at an intersection when Bucky noticed people running in the streets.

"What's going on."

"I don't know let's check it out."

I pulled over then we got off and started running toward the thing attacking the city. It was a big mistake. Especially without my shield.the thing that was attacking the city came after us and I was hurt really bad. Hurt to the point that Bucky had to drag me out of there. It was a little Daja vu.

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