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This problem about being famous is you have countless people who like to know where you are at all times. The only call that I had expected was from my assistant who is still trying her best to do damage control. She is only a year older than I was, and she has been working for me just a matter of months. She however is brilliant, she had graduated, after completing a course in computer science; she realized it is not her thing. I know I won't have her forever because she is so much better than an assistant but she knows while she is trying to figure out what she wants to do it is a dream job.

"Kiera is on her way, she should be here tomorrow morning." I say walking into the kitchen and catch my brother's eye. He is making eggs, but from the looks of things, it is not going that well. He asks if I want any, which I say yes to but not particularly comfortable by the whole thing. Cam and Jordan are sitting at the little table in the kitchen, and I take one of the free seats, pulling out my tablet and typing my name in to google, okay my stage name. It is much of the similar dripple, and much of the same bogus crap. Nevertheless, the press knew I am no longer in the country, and trying their best to figure out where I really am.

"Does Kiera cook?" My brother asks playing with a rather fucked up eggs next to me, before taking the seat to my side. I nod my head but my eyes are on my screen, I then add on the words.

"But you are away she works for me, and only me. Also, she is not your biggest fan you called her a fake bimbo last time you saw her." The two boys laugh at this comment and I go to grab the ketchup to put on the toast before placing the two eggs between the slices of toast. "She is one of the most intelligent people you are ever me. She however is just a little naive and unsure what she is doing with her life, but then again not everyone wants to be a lawyer from the age of five and carry on with the same dream, I am sure you guys didn't just want to be a lawyer from that sort of age." I say turning to look at Jordan and Cameron. Jordan is the one who replies.

"I was in my second year of university, doing a course in economics when I wanted to be a lawyer." I look at my brother and stick my tongue out at him before taking a bite of my now egg sandwich,

"I just wanted a job that made me loads of money, I think I was about sixteen when I turned my attention to being a lawyer but due to the fact you earn more in a week than I do in a year, probably choose the wrong career path." I let out a small giggle with this comment, at that moment the front door opens and I hear a southern drawl come through and hear them say they have run out of stuff. I catch my brother's eye and shrugs his shoulders.

Sean Christian, my ex-boyfriend one of the only relationships of mine, which never spread across the papers, he did not talk about it and I did not talk about it. It mainly stayed out of the limelight because we broke up a couple of months before my acting career rose into the stars. We went to boarding school together in Texas, he is a couple of years above me and when I heard he moved to England for a girl I thought the whole thing was so ridiculous and I was jealous and I thought it wouldn't last, well I hoped it wouldn't last, but four years later I was proved wrong. To my surprise once, I hear movement on the stairs my brother shouted back.

"Sean when are you thinking off coming back?" Sean footsteps were rather loud as he walks into the kitchen and although his eyes flicker of me, and his lips turn up a little he did not say anything to me before answering my brother. His bloody southern charm.

"Well, Emily is going to visit her parents next weekend so probably be back around there. Not quite ready to make all the compromises which are on the horizon so just little steps." He pauses and his eyes flicker to me again. "How was your summer then Maddie?" Jordan and Cam are surprised that Sean addresses me so casually. I frown at him and place my food back on the plate before turning my fall attention.

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