Chapter 4 - "Dazzling eyes"

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TEDIOUS - would be the word to describe today's class. It seemed like nobody was paying attention to what Mr.Phillips was teaching. At least it wasn't just Anne this time. Actually , she felt like she was the only one who wasn't as inattentive as everyone else. She'd turn to Ruby to see her face sorrowful. Turn to the other girls to see them equally lost in their thoughts.
Even Diana wasn't paying attention. The boys were also whispering the entire time. They'd nudge each other from time to time and she was sure she has heard Gilbert's name at least 20 times till now. Mr.Phillips had threatened to make them leave the classroom many times , as he had noticed his students were preoccupied with something else. Anne was the only one who had been answering his questions and paying some attention, until she'd get distracted by the mention of Gilbert's name. She'd get annoyed with the amount of people chatting about him and his new nameless mysterious lady.
What was the big deal?
Anne couldn't understand all the fuss the news had brought to her classroom. It looked like the entire classroom was filled with mini Miss.Lynde's who lived for some good gossip.
Though , she had to admit, the news were very engrossing. Not the fact that he had found a lady , but rather the fact how he had described her. Word is , he had said she was "sweet looking , very talkative and with dazzling eyes" , which couldn't help but make Anne think, how beauteous must she be? Gilbert for sure wouldn't have settled for someone plain looking , so of course she must be a dream!
Bet she's lovely personality-wise as well. Oh and smart , obviously. Gilbert wouldn't take anyone who isn't equally as intelligent... or would he? Either way , Anne was really curious to meet her. Although , she felt a bit envious of the girl's looks. She had imagined her to be everything she ever wanted to be.
Midnight black hair flowing over her shoulders , mesmerizing honey eyes with long eyelashes. Olive skin with no freckles. Her style elegant.
Ahh how she wanted to look like that!
Although, she did feel VERY grateful her hair had started to transform into an auburn color and lately she had seen less little dots on her face. God had clearly heard her prayers , so it wasn't nice of her to be ungrateful.

"Everybody dismissed!" said an annoyed Mr.Phillips , with a gravelly voice.
He had dismissed them earlier than usual , probably because the teacher had noticed nobody was really paying attention.

Well, thought Anne , this is good news! I'll have enough time to go exploring the captivating spring nature before returning home.

I know I updated a lot but I will be busy the upcoming weeks and I don't know if I'll have enough time to write it , so I am speed writing it right now.  Also if you enjoy this so far , let me know. It would be a good boost in inspiration.

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