Bato of the Water Tribe

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A weapon which happens to be a scimitar made of a whale's tooth is standing upright in the ground of grass and someone grabs the hilt of the scimitar and yanks it out and that person is Aang and he examines the scimitar.

"Hey, look! A sword made of a whale's tooth." Aang said as Sokka slides down a dirt slope and he approaches Aang.

"Let me see that." Sokka said and Aang gives him the scimitar and Sokka examines it thoughtfully.


Water Tribe warriors are in the Southern Water Tribe village and are packing supplies to get ready to assist the war effort while several Water Tribe ships are docked at the shore and a younger Sokka is watching this.

Flashback end.

"This is a Water Tribe weapon. Let's see if we can find anything else." Sokka said and he and Aang start searching the wooded area for more weapons.

While Aang and Sokka are searching Velvet, Katara, Sorey, Laphicet and Rose arrive and they have curious looks.

"Did someone lose something?" Velvet asked.

"No, but we found something." Aang said.

Sokka then finds a spearhead lying on the ground beneath fallen leaves and he kneels before it while brushing off the debris and picks up the spearhead and starts examining it and he ashes on its point.

"It's burned." Sokka said as he sees a tree trunk with scorch marks on its bark and everyone else sees this.

"Must've been some fight." Sorey said.

"Yeah. Water Tribe warriors ambushed a group of Firebenders." Sokka said as he now looks down the slope of the hill and sees a black spot on the ground. "The Firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them down this hill." Sokka races down the hill along a dirt path and leaps over a few large rocks and as he keeps going he stops at a sandy beach and the others follow him.

"So then what happened?" Rose asked.

"I don't know. The trail ends here." Sokka said.

"Hey! Look!" Katara said pointing at something in a distance and it's a boat sitting on the shore.

"A boat!" Wendy said.

"Yeah. One of our boats!" Sokka said and they run over to the boat.

"Is this Dad's boat?" Katara asked.

"No, but it's from his fleet. Dad was here." Sokka said.

"But where is he?" Laphicet asked.

"I don't know." Sokka said.

Meanwhile in Zuko's ship, Zuko and Iroh are sitting at a low-lying table and Iroh is drinking his cup of tea relaxed.

"See, Prince Zuko, a moment of quiet is good for your mental well-being." Iroh said as he pours Zuko a cup of tea.

Zuko takes his cup for a drink but then the ship starts to vibrate causing Zuko's tea to go flying and it soaks Zuko's face and hair making Zuko grunt in frustration and he gets up to see what's going on outside.

On the deck of the ship Firebenders stand ready and in front of them is a large beast and a young woman carrying a rolled up whip is mounted on its back and Zuko arrive at the deck.

"Back off! Nyla and I are after a stowaway." The woman said.

"There are no stowaways on my ship." Zuko said as Iroh arrive.

The beast known as Nyla tears off a chunk of the metal deck flooring and hurls it making everyone move aside and the metal piece hits the doorway and Zuko sees this making him angry while the Firebenders prepare for battle but Nyla sticks its head in a gaping hole where the metal flooring was, it starts sniffing around as its vision is in black and white and it sees a stream of green drifting through the air and while Nyla is searching the entire room it sees a barrel that topples over showing a man hiding and as Nyla raises its head out of the hole the man starts to run but Nyla goes after it and while the man is trying to get away Nyla lashes out its elongated tongue and the tongue strikes the man making him fall and he's no longer moving.

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