Safe Haven

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Juvia P.O.V

          Sunlight poured over my eyelids just as I was beginning to awaken. My eyes began to slowly open. The sun's rays were to much for my eyes at the time, so I put my hands over my eyes and stretched.

          My eyes finally adjusted to the sunlight and I fully opened them. I inwardly shrieked as I looked at where I was. I wasn't home, but somewhere else.

          But then I remembered. Gray, Walking home, Letter, then Gray's house. I took the blanket I was using off my body. I slung my feet off to the side of the bed. I stretched my arms in the air and quietly yawned. It felt so weird being here.

          Being in a man's house that im not even sure I trust. Its weird. Maybe I should just go...

          "Oh, you're awake?" A masculine voice called from the other room. I guess Gray heard my yawn. I panicked a bit but then decided I would go out there and face him.

          "Good morning" I quietly greeted as I walked in on him cooking. I held myself in my arms and sat in a chair. By the smell in the room, I could tell he was making bacon, pancakes, and eggs.

          "Did you sleep well?" Gray asked, flipping a pancake.

          "Uh, yes. Thank you for letting Juvia use your bed. It was very king of you" I replied.

          "It was no problem. You can stay here if you want, I can keep you safe here. But that's only if you want" Gray suggested. Should I stay? I don't know, I'm not even sure I trust him.

           "Juvia doesn't know. Juvia might come back" I spoke softly. Gray nodded his head in understatement. I went to the bathroom and changed in to my clothes, since Gray let me borrow and shirt and a pair of shorts.

          "Wait, are you hungry? I made food" Gray said before I walked out of his door.

          "May Juvia take it to go? Juvia doesn't have long with her friends so, she would like to spend as much time with them as possible." I asked. He nodded and began to put some of the food he mad on a paper plate. After he finished putting everything on the plate, he wrapped it in tin foil.

          "Arigatou" I thanked him and left. On my way to Fairy Tail, I began to peck at my food because my stomach was starting to growl. The food Gray packed was absolutely delicious.

          By the time I arrived at Fairy Tail, I had only eaten half a pancake. "Hey there Juvia" I was greeted by Mira as I walked in. I smiled in response.

          "Hi Juvia. Whatcha got there in your hand?" Lisanna greeted.

          "Oh, its breakfast... that Gray made me" I answered.

          "Woah woah woah. What did you two do last night?" Levy questioned.

          "I thought you guys were just going to talk. What happened?" Lucy asked. Lisanna, Levy, and Lucy stared at me. It was like they were trying to steal my soul with their eyes.

          "No no no. Nothing like that happened. Its a long story, would you really like to hear?" They all quickly nodded their heads.

          I first explained what happened before I came to Fairy Tail to Levy and Lisanna so they would understand. I told even them about my fear of men. After that I began to explain what happened yesterday night.

          "So to finish this up, my step father is coming for me and Gray let me stay at his home for the night." I finished. Lisanna and Levy look like they were on the brink of tears.

          "Juvia, I'm so sorry all that happened to you" Levy managed to say.

          "Its okay, I just want to be with my friends until it all happens okay?" I weakly smiled. On the outside, I seemed fine. But on the inside, my heart was being torn apart. It took everything I had to pretend to be happy.

          "I would let you stay at my apartment but, Natsu is there all the time so..." Lucy sighed.

          "Same here. Gajeel is staying at my place until his place is better" Levy said the last part in a questioning tone.

          "Sorry" Both the girls apologized. Lisanna told me her place was pretty packed already, so that meant I was going back to Gray's place. Great...

          It was a bit later when I decided to leave and head home. I can handle myself. I will be safe at home. I reasurred myself.

          As I got to the dorms, I pulled out my keys. I picked the right key and went for the key hole. Right as I was about to put the key in the hole, my hand began violently shaking.

          Who am I kidding? I'm scared out of my mind. I put my keys away and began to quickly walk to Gray's home.

Gray P.O.V

          I sat on my couch staring at the ceiling. I guess Juvia found a place to stay. I had no shirt on and only pants. I mean it is my house.

          All of a sudden, I heard knocking at my door. Just probably Natsu or Gajeel. I thought. I got up and walked to the door.

          Opening it I said, "What do you- Juvia? What are you doing here?" I asked as I suddenly realised who was at my door.

          "May Juvia- I stay here?" She asked. Wow, does this mean she trusts me? Wow. I am suprised. I got out the way of the doorway and let her walk in.

          "So what happened? How come you came back?" I asked as we sat on my couch.

          "Well, everybody was busy or their home was to small. I thought I could go back to my place, but when I tried to unlock my door I just got so scared, so I came here" Juvia quivered in fear, thinking about it.

          "Well, your welcome to stay here as long as you like" I said as I gave her some clothes to sleep in. Navy blue shirt and black shorts.

          "Well, goodnight Gray" She left the room and went to my bed, since I offered it to her. I layed my head down and stared at the ceiling again. Finally, I can get to know her.

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